The Limited Times

Corona lockdown in Bavaria: Söder explains tough rules - unexpected fine hammer announced

12/14/2020, 9:20:08 PM

At a Corona summit, the prime ministers voted for another lockdown. Now it is up to Prime Minister Söder and the state parliament to implement the resolutions in Bavaria.

At a Corona summit, the prime ministers voted for another lockdown.

Now it is up to Prime Minister Söder and the state parliament to implement the resolutions in Bavaria.

  • On Monday, December 14th, Söder will discuss the details of the

    corona lockdown



    with the Council of Ministers


  • Söder made

    it clear

    in advance

    that the Free State will go well beyond the closure of

    schools and retailers


  • In a subsequent

    press conference

    , the Prime Minister will present the

    results of

    the meeting.

  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from December 14th, 7:01 pm:

Apparently the Bavarian Minister of Education, Michael Piazolo (Free Voters), has no confidence in the technology competence of his own house.

He wrote to all teachers and parents in Bavaria today to forbid distance learning. * The background is apparently the technical difficulties that the ministry's own digital learning platform Mebis had with only partial homeschooling last week. *

Update from December 14th, 1:50 p.m.:


central innovations

compared to the already known resolutions were made known at this press conference.

On the one hand, the

fine for violating the curfew should




500 euros


On the other hand, the Bavarian state government wants to



delivery of goods

on the fourth weekend in Advent.

Coronavirus: curfew also on Christmas Eve - "Applies in Bavaria.

For all.

Every day"

Update from December 14th, 1:46 p.m .:

How is the

curfew at Christmas



Do the holiday guests have to be home before 9 p.m. so as not to risk a ticket on the way home?

“That simply means: The curfew in Bavaria applies from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

For all.

Every day, ”is the clear answer from the firm's boss, Florian Hermann.

Update from December 14th, 1:40 pm:

"We are practicing and are improving step by step", Piazolo promises a diverse

distance lesson

that is getting better and more structured.

Oral performance can also be raised above it.

"Generous emergency care does not mean everyone who wants, but everyone who needs,"




the new

care regulations in

more detail


If parents are desperate, you definitely don't want to leave them out in the rain, even if they don't belong to any of the essential professional groups.

Update from December 14th, 1:38 pm:

"There are

three basic principles

for the

rest of

the school year


High flexibility on the one hand, fairness and my request to everyone, also outside of school: mutual consideration for everyone, ”Michael Piazolo appeals to all citizens at the end.

Update from December 14th, 1:31 pm:

"A bit of a strange remark at a press conference", smiles

Minister of Culture Piazolo

at his own comment on


, maybe the festival this year will be much more contemplative and show what the holidays are actually about.

Corona-PK: Trautner explains the emergency care model in Bavaria - no professional groups formulated uniformly

Update from December 14th, 1:28 pm:

The daycare centers are generally closed


We are playing it safe, ”explains Minister Trautner.

Who can


their child to

emergency care


"Here we have decided

not to formulate any professional groups in a uniform manner

", emphasizes the Minister of Labor, that it is decided with a careful eye which parents can request these care measures.

“If at all possible,

keep your child at home,

” she concludes, “I know that the next few weeks will not be easy.

Please all be understanding. "

Coronavirus: "On its own initiative" - ​​Aiwanger renews mask appeal

Update from December 14th, 1:25 pm:

“We appeal to take the contact


seriously,” continues Aiwanger, citizens should protect themselves as best as possible on their own initiative.

He urgently recommends “equipping yourself professionally”.

FFP2 masks

are now clearly the best alternative.

Update from December 14th, 1:22 pm:

"Please be fair," he calls out to the grocery stores.

After the

retail trade



they should

now “not include entire galleries of men's fashion” in their range.

The delivery options have been created for the specialist trade that it should not break during the lockdown.

Aiwanger explains that he has to retrofit in online retail, but of course it should not completely lose stationary sales in the future.


bridging allowance 3

is intended to help.

Update from December 14th, 1:19 pm:

“Please go on”, the government has called for more stringent measures, reports

Hubert Aiwanger


And that is exactly what you have to do now to curb the spread.


Very unpopular measures,

" he admits, certainly, but you have no other choice.

Coronavirus: Söder regrets lockdown - "I'm sorry that we have to take such measures"

Update from December 14th, 1:15 pm:

"We want to try

to persuade

the federal government to make a

test obligation

", Markus Söder wants to focus more sharply on holiday



“Of course there is hope.

Hope is the vaccine, "concludes Söder:" I only want to say one thing about the debate.

It is important not to just create conspiracy theories again: It's not fun, ”he complains about small-party disruptions and takes an AfD affront as an example.

And further: “

I am sorry that we have to take such measures


Nobody does it with pleasure. ”But otherwise it would result in much greater damage.

Current corona rules: Söder extends curfew to all of Bavaria - contact restrictions remain

Update from December 14th, 1:11 pm:

“You know our




She stays with it, ”says Söder about the private sector.

“Let's do it sensibly,” he insists, however, on extending the curfew.

From Wednesday onwards, they will no longer only apply to hotspots, but throughout Bavaria.

This rule is slightly extended

over the

Christmas holidays


“There are also four family members, but not four friends,” warns Söder, otherwise a Christmas party will quickly turn into a

Christmas party


Both nationally and in Bavaria, they clearly decided

against fireworks on New Year's Eve


The hospitals should not be additionally burdened with firecrackers injuries.

Update from December 14th, 1:07 p.m.:

The house can only be left for good reason, it is important to be considerate.

“It's a stressful time in which everyone can make their contribution,” says



The regulations decided at the federal level are being implemented exactly in Bavaria.

Retail, schools and daycare centers will close on Wednesday.


That only leads to chaos,

" says Söder clearly against exceptions in schools.

Of course there will be emergency care.

Corona lockdown in Bavaria: Söder predicts for a long time - "Do not think that everything will be over on January 10th"

Update from December 14th, 1:05 pm:

"If you couldn't have had it today,"


Markus Söder, looking back at the beginning of the lockdown, "

I would have participated

." the start to the middle of the week acceptable.

"I don't think that

everything will be over

on January 10th,

" said the Prime Minister, referring to the planned end.

The situation must be closely monitored and assessed.

"Corona is out of control": Söder confirms reminders - and presents a terrible bill

Update from December 14th, 1 p.m .:

Markus Söder

opens the PK.

The measures were recorded and implemented even more impressively than last week.

"I'll say it again,

Corona is out of control,

" Söder warns at the beginning.

From an epidemological point of view, he expects the development to grow for another ten days.

“That really depresses me,” admits Söder, “

every three minutes someone dies in Germany


The hospitals are groaning.

It is a given that now we don't just talk, we act. "

Update from December 14th, 12:59 p.m.:

The ministers have gathered in the press room.

The conference will probably start on time today.

Markus Söder will


the new lockdown regulation

in a few moments.

He had already stated that he wanted to “implement the measures to the maximum”.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder wants to implement “maximum” resolutions of the summit meeting with the Council of Ministers

Munich - In


- and all of Germany - citizens can expect a

corona lockdown

again from Wednesday


That is


after a

summit meeting

with Chancellor


and the Prime Minister.

But after the conference, the ball is now back in the Free State: on Monday, December 14, the Bavarian cabinet will be fine-tuned.

In it, it must

agree and decide on

the exact

details of

the shutdown.

But the last word has not yet been spoken.

According to Prime Minister

Markus Söder

, the meeting at 11 o'clock will be about implementing the resolution of yesterday's summit meeting “maximally”.

Already on Sunday, Söder said that this would go well beyond the closure of day-care centers, schools and large parts of the retail trade in the Free State from Wednesday.


In the state parliament, Markus Söder will implement the resolution of yesterday's summit on the corona lockdown today.

© Peter Kneffel / dpa

In concrete terms, this means, for example: According to Söder,



restrictions will apply

at night from Wednesday, December 16


So far, this was only



Corona *


with a seven-day incidence of more than 200.

The Bavarian state parliament

does not

want to finally discuss the

Corona *


until Tuesday in another special meeting.

Corona lockdown in Bavaria: Söder advocates "playing it safe before Christmas"

The Free State is "closing all

schools and daycare centers

completely," said Markus Söder on Sunday.

He advocated “before


play it safe".

For this reason, “everything will be closed from Wednesday, all grades in Bavaria, with

distance learning

, yes, with emergency care - this applies to schools and day care centers, where it is necessary for the parents”.

Söder announced

opportunities for

emergency care

not only for systemically relevant professions - but for everyone “who needs it”.

Söder: “We can't leave the parents completely alone.” In principle, however, the employers in the Free State were given goodwill.

Bavaria: The end of the corona lockdown remains open for the time being


Corona shutdown *

to According Söder first to apply at least 10 January once.

The exact end of the lockdown is still open.

"I say explicitly: as long as it lasts,"



Prime Minister


How dramatic the situation in


really is at the moment is shown by the nationwide

seven-day incidence

of over 200. Söder: "That means, if you relate that to the country, we are a hotspot."

Markus Söder will present the results of the meeting in a press conference at 1 p.m.

We report live.

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

) (kof)

List of rubric lists: © Sven Hoppe / picture alliance / dpa

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