The Limited Times

Electoral College: voters confirm Biden's election victory

12/14/2020, 10:40:34 PM

Around six weeks after the US presidential election, electoral votes have confirmed Democrat Joe Biden's victory over incumbent Donald Trump.

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Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election was confirmed

Photo: Isaac Brekken / AP

The electorate in the US has confirmed the victory of Joe Biden's presidential election.

The news agency Reuters announced.

With the state of California, Biden has the required 270 votes.

In the November election, the Democrat got 306 voters behind him, Donald Trump only 232 - and still clings to office.

Trump's clear defeat, however, made it very unlikely that dissenters could endanger Biden's election in the so-called Electoral College.

Sometimes it happens that in this vote there are some "unfaithful electors" who vote against their own candidate or who abstain from voting.

The number of dissenters is usually only small, so that this is of no consequence in the case of clear election victories.

In the last election in 2016, there were seven "unfaithful voters," which was a lot.

A lot more deviants are not to be expected this time either.

With a lead of 74 votes, Biden was in no danger.

A total of 538 voters in the so-called Electoral College voted on the future US President.

On January 6, the US Congress in Washington must officially confirm the result of this vote.

Those who are loyal to the President want to disrupt this process as best they can.

Unless another great miracle happens, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States on January 20th.

The options for Trump to challenge the election in court are more or less exhausted.

Virtually all Trump lawsuits have crashed.

Icon: The mirror

svv / Reuters

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