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Electors Decide: Biden 46th President | Israel today

12/14/2020, 10:43:34 PM

| United States The Democratic candidate obtained the majority of the electorate, thus ending the US presidential election • He and his deputy Harris will enter the White House in January Both. Received the support of the electors Photography:  AFP The US presidential election has been decided: Elections have determined that Democratic candidate Joe Biden is the 46th American president. On January 20, Biden

The Democratic candidate obtained the majority of the electorate, thus ending the US presidential election • He and his deputy Harris will enter the White House in January

  • Both.

    Received the support of the electors



The US presidential election has been decided: Elections have determined that Democratic candidate Joe Biden is the 46th American president. On January 20, Biden is expected to enter the White House along with his deputy, Camela Harris. It has the support of 270 electors out of 538.

The results of the vote come after the rejection of a string of lawsuits filed by President Donald Trump's team that are undermining the election results.

Last Saturday, a lawsuit filed by the state of Texas, backed by 17 other Republican states, rejected the election results in four states: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

The Supreme Court did not elaborate on its decision not to hear the application and no judge gave his objection.

Another lawsuit filed in federal court in Wisconsin has been denied.

Archive // ​​Photo: Reuters

These join the Supreme Court's decision earlier this month not to hear a lawsuit by the president's legal team regarding votes sent by mail in the state of Pennsylvania.

However, during a press conference late last month, Trump announced that despite his allegations of election fraud, he would leave the White House if the Electoral College decides in favor of its rival Biden.

He went on to say that "this election was a scam."

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