The Limited Times

GSS Counts - The End: "No Longer Effective Due to Improved Interrogations" | Israel Today

12/14/2020, 9:55:51 PM

| In the country GSS assistance has been reduced to 10%, and the ministers will decide next Wednesday on the cancellation of the placements • AMN report: within about two weeks - the verified threshold will require the closure of trade Ayalon Mall, this week. Will it close again? Photography:  Gideon Markovich First publication: Nine months after the General Security Service began assisting the state in locat

GSS assistance has been reduced to 10%, and the ministers will decide next Wednesday on the cancellation of the placements • AMN report: within about two weeks - the verified threshold will require the closure of trade

  • Ayalon Mall, this week.

    Will it close again?


    Gideon Markovich

First publication:

Nine months after the General Security Service began assisting the state in locating civilians who were near the Corona carriers, the ministerial committee responsible for the issue is expected to decide tomorrow on the cessation of interrogations.

The decision comes as a result of the improvement in the interrogations of the human array to amputate the chains of infection and in view of the inefficiency of the placements at the stage when the plague is currently in Israel.

According to data collected by the Ministry of Intelligence, in the past week, 90% of all patients were located by the Home Front Command's epidemiological investigation system.

This reduced the exclusive GSS assistance to 10% of the patients, compared to 60-40 percent, in the early stages of the epidemic.

Archive // ​​Photo: Gil Kramer

In light of these data, the updated recommendation to be submitted tomorrow to the GSS Ministerial Committee is to activate the placements only towards Corona carriers who will report less than three contacts that took place in the days before the infection. This means that the rest of the country will be discontinued. An increase in the number of patients to several thousand a day, as was the case at the height of the second wave.

"The human epidemiological investigation system is the most effective tool for locating potential corona infections and in light of the completion of the establishment by the Home Front Command, the effectiveness of the GSS tool decreases," explained Intelligence Minister Eli Cohen, who heads the ministerial committee, in an interview with Israel Today. Given that the current level of morbidity will not increase, we will promote the use of the tool only in cases of infected people who do not cooperate with the human interrogation system.

Until the completion of the campaign, the GSS's were an important tool that saved the lives of at least 400 Israelis and reduced the economic damage to the economy. Now the GSS's will constitute a safety net only for the epidemiological investigation system, and will be used in a spotless and sweeping manner. In interrogations. "

"This time we will not close easily"

Meanwhile, an AMN report released yesterday signals that due to the current value of the infection coefficient (1.15-1.2), the number of verified is expected to rise to about 2,500 per day on a weekly average, by the end of the month.

This is a threshold marked by the government that will lead to "tight restraint" - which includes closing trade.

"Tightened restraint" includes a series of restrictions, including closing jobs with public reception, closing trade (malls, markets and shops), closing the education system in red and orange localities (excluding kindergartens) and tightening restrictions on returnees from abroad.

In view of this, the malls are very worried about a situation in which it will be decided to close the trade soon, and threaten not to close the businesses.

"The government's plan is not a tight restraint but a crushing one," Shachar Turgeman, chairman of the Association of Retail, Fashion and Catering Chains, told Israel Today. .

There is also great concern among small businesses, and some are threatening to rekindle the campaign of demonstrations.

Oded Babai, who initiated the retailers' protest and is an importer and manufacturer in the fashion industry: "If they decide to do the deed that will not be done, we will consider our steps in south Tel Aviv and what we did will be done again."

She participated in the preparation of the article

Hayali Yaakovi-Handelsman