The Limited Times

The Police Welfare Fund received nearly 180 million yuan in donations last year, a 26-fold increase in refreshment fees, a 52-fold increase

12/14/2020, 9:07:33 AM

The Police Welfare Fund submitted its 2019/20 financial report to the Legislative Council. This year’s total fund revenue reached 188 million yuan, an increase of approximately 8.7 times compared to 19.49 million in 2018-19, among which donation revenue reached 173 million yuan

Social News

Written by: Lao Minyi

2020-12-14 16:55

Last update date: 2020-12-14 16:59

The Police Welfare Fund submitted its 2019/20 financial report to the Legislative Council. This year’s total fund revenue reached 188 million yuan, an increase of approximately 8.7 times compared to 19.49 million in 2018-19. Among them, donation revenue reached 173 million yuan, which was larger than the previous year. Increased by 26.4 times.

The fund benefited from large donations. From 2018-19, it lost 19.89 million yuan, and its accounts turned into a surplus to a surplus of 73.95 million yuan in the previous year.

The largest increase in expenditure was "the cost of refreshments for police officers holding special positions", which increased 52 times from RMB 1.22 million to RMB 64.85 million.

(Profile picture/Ou Jiale)

As of March 31 this year, the net asset value of the police welfare fund was 258 million yuan, a net increase of about 40% compared with the 185 million yuan in the same period last year.

Donations to the Police Education and Welfare Trust Fund reached 11.32 million yuan last year, which more than doubled from 5.18 million in the previous year; the Police Children’s Education Trust Fund turned profits into losses, and the donation income was 10.973 million yuan from the previous year. Reduced to 4.798 million yuan, and the overall loss amounted to 7.078 million yuan.

As for the income of the "commission for the souvenirs sold by the contractor", it was cut by half from RMB 765,000 to RMB 348,000.

Expenditures for "Special Duty Police Officers Refreshments" reached 64.85 million

In terms of total account expenditures, fund expenditures in 2019/20 reached 114 million yuan, an increase of 1.9 times compared with 39.38 million yuan in the previous year.

The largest increase in expenditure was "refreshment expenses for police officers holding special positions", which increased 52 times from 1.22 million yuan to 64.85 million yuan; the second was "Other" items, which increased 3.66 times from 2.08 million yuan to 9.73 million yuan.

In terms of "employee relations expenses", it broke through the 10 million mark from 9.16 million yuan to 12.3 million yuan, an increase of more than 30%.

Only expenditures on "Police Sports Activities" and "Healthy Living Strategy Activities" have decreased.

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