The Limited Times

The traffickers supplied the whole Ile-de-France with cannabis

12/14/2020, 10:55:45 PM

Arrested Thursday evening, eight suspects, aged 24 to 34, were indicted on Monday in Paris. A ton of cannabis resin and 650,000 e

End of the game for this team of cannabis resin traffickers.

Eight men, aged 24 to 34, were indicted on Monday by a judge of the specialized interregional jurisdiction of Paris for "drug trafficking in an organized gang".

They are suspected of having implemented for ten months between Morocco and the Paris region, a juicy import company, capable of bringing in more than a ton of cannabis resin per month, which fed many points of deals. from the Paris region.

A message launches the police intervention

The investigation began in March for officials from the Évry (Essonne) branch of the DRPJ in Versailles.

Their narcotics squad receives information on a team of criminals who use meeting places in this department.

The police officers, supported by their colleagues from the research and intervention brigade (BRI), set up a series of surveillance systems to know the comings and goings of importers.

Thursday, investigators ended up arresting the entire team in the act when it had just brought drugs from Morocco via Spain.

The night before, officials had observed suspicious exchanges of bags, then it was radio silence.

The device was going to be lifted when the officials picked up the message that allowed them to take action: "I'm going to go over there to count the goods", assures one of the traffickers during the eavesdropping.

The police closed their net and arrested eight men, but also a pregnant woman, in Val-de-Marne and Seine-et-Marne.

Inside a barn in Chapelle-la-Reine (Seine-et-Marne), the police got their hands on 1.26 tonnes of cannabis.

In the rooms of an apartment dedicated to business in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), they find 650,000 euros in cash and 150 kg of resin.

The members of the network are structured around three brothers from the latter department.

"The chief is the youngest, he has already been arrested and sentenced to four years for similar facts, which has earned him a repeat offense in this procedure," said another source.

The three men surrounded themselves with lieutenants and little hands responsible for picking up and monitoring the drugs.

A loss of over one million euros

Some of the arrests were carried out in housing in Villejuif and Choisy-le-Roi (Val-de-Marne).

During the searches, the police discovered two automatic pistols of 9 mm caliber and a submachine gun.

Police also got their hands on luxury watches and leather goods.

In total, products which are estimated at 100,000 euros.

They seized two top-of-the-range cars: an Audi RS2 and a BMW, confiscating in the process three small French cars, intended to discreetly bring up drugs via the highway.

A drug, cannabis, which sells for between 1,000 and 1,300 euros per kilo in Morocco, while in France, the same quantity of product is sold between 3,000 and 3,500 euros.

On arrival, the goods seized therefore represent a loss of more than one million euros for the traffickers.

According to our information, the three brothers are considered important figures in the traffic in the Paris region, which is why other police services also had them in their sights before giving way to the investigators of Évry, the most advanced. in their investigations.

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The eight suspects are in custody on Monday evening in the premises of the judicial police branch of Évry.

They have all already asserted their right to silence.

The arrested woman was released because she was about to give birth.