The Limited Times

Coronavirus disease. Latest|In the past month, 2/3 single day increased by more than 80 cases, the total number of cases exceeded 7800

12/15/2020, 11:10:34 PM

The fourth wave of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continued. The Department of Health announced yesterday (15th) that there were 98 new confirmed cases, which increased to 7,722. There were more than 70 initial confirmed cases in the half-day yesterday, and today it broke the 7,800 defense line. From last month 1

Social News

Written by: Wong Wing Yu, Kwong Xiaobin, Zhang Jiamin, Huang Weilun, McKay, Golden Chess, Zhu Haiqi, Li Enci, Lao Minyi, Zheng Qiuling, Deng Yinglin, Lin Yingxian

2020-12-16 07:00

Last update date: 2020-12-16 07:00

The fourth wave of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continued. The Department of Health announced yesterday (15th) that there were 98 new confirmed cases, which increased to 7,722. There were more than 70 initial confirmed cases in the half-day yesterday, and today it broke the 7,800 defense line.

Since the 17th of last month, there has been a maximum increase of 115 cases (29/11) in a single day, more than 80 cases have been recorded in a two-thirds day, and an increase of 100 cases or more on 7 days.

The fourth wave of the epidemic that broke out in the upper class through dancing groups has spread significantly at the grassroots level in the past week, and the dormitory group for foreign domestic helpers has appeared again. A total of 12 people in the Fengnian Building group in Tai Po have been diagnosed (8 foreign domestic helpers and 4 employers) , The authorities require people who have visited the unit to undergo mandatory testing.

The cumulative number of cases involving 4 units in Dayi House in Po Tat Village and Ming Lai House in Choi Wan Village has been compulsory for residents and visitors.




Confirmed restaurants | 22 new restaurants in Tsuen Wan Yayu Tofu Hua, Yuen Long Huaxing Ice Room on the list

[01:00] The new pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continues. Yesterday (15th) 98 new confirmed cases were newly confirmed, 89 of which were local cases.

The Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health updated the list of buildings visited during the incubation period of the confirmed cases in the evening. 22 restaurants were newly added to the list, spread across multiple districts, including Tsuen Wan "Yayu Tofu Flower", Yuen Long "Hua Xing Ice Room", and Olympic Haicheng Phase 2 "Panman Gate", Sha Tin "Rice Array" and "Sha Tin Friends Ice Room".

In addition, some patients have visited the main campus of the Open University of Hong Kong.

Some patients have visited the "Yayu Tofu Flower" in Tsuen Wan.

(Photo/Photo by Xu Jialing)

Confirmed building|Fengnianlou foreign domestic helper group involved 3 employers' residence in Metropolis, a family of four diagnosed

[00:43] The Department of Health announced yesterday (15th) that 98 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia have been added, 89 of which are local cases.

The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health updated the list of confirmed residential buildings at night. There were confirmed cases in the private housing estates in Tseung Kwan O, Clear Water Bay Peninsula and Diamond Hill, Galaxia.

A total of 8 foreign domestic helpers have been diagnosed in the Fung Nin House Foreign Helper’s Quarters in Tai Po up to yesterday. Another 4 confirmed cases involved a foreign domestic helper’s employer family, including a 6-month-old baby girl, and a total of 4 people were infected.

According to the latest list of residential buildings, the four family members live in Block 1, Metropolis Residences, Hung Hom, which matches the address of a 54-year-old foreign domestic helper (No. 7595) diagnosed the day before.

The foreign domestic helper reported that the date of onset was November 29. The 4 family members reported that the date of onset was between December 6th and 10th. The 6-month-old baby girl had no symptoms.

Yesterday's overview: new coronary pneumonia.

12.15|98 more cases of confirmed deaths of a 70-year-old woman living in Ulsan Garden on McDonald's Road

Covid-19 | A 77-year-old female patient at Ulsan Garden in Mid-levels died two days ago, 6 people died

New crown pneumonia | Laguna Verde, 79-year-old Weng was admitted to the hospital for half a day without treatment and no symptoms, 60-year-old woman died at noon

New Coronary Pneumonia | 98 cases increase in a single day, a total of 12 people diagnosed in the Fung Nian Building foreign domestic helper quarters in Tai Po

New crown pneumonia | Residents of Tenement Building 5, No. 1 Muchang Street, affected district councillors' worries room modified with pipes for poisoning

▼List of 6 designated quarantine hotels in advance▼

▼Full list of room rates of designated quarantine hotels▼




Fengnian Building, Dayi Building, and Mingli Building must be compulsory for testing Baoda Village and Caiyun Village to set up sampling stations on Wednesdays

New crown pneumonia | Guidong Building today compulsory inspection of residents: under pressure, clean exhaust fans and close windows for epidemic prevention

New Coronary Pneumonia | The Institute of Surveyors raises five major drug-spreading worries and calls for regular inspections and extensions

New crown pneumonia | 6 designated quarantine hotels will operate first on Friday

New crown pneumonia | A Disneyland employee diagnosed with the infection in the relatives of HSBC Tai Wai branch staff closed

New crown pneumonia | Airport police dog Baggio tested positive, the dog handler was initially diagnosed last Saturday




Consumer Council|10 masks with perfect scores one by one




▼Hong Kong government announces tightening of epidemic prevention measures (announced on December 8)▼




New crown pneumonia | 6 designated quarantine hotels will operate first on Friday

Covid-19 | A 77-year-old female patient at Ulsan Garden in Mid-levels died two days ago, 6 people died

New crown pneumonia|The labor union says the income of airport employees has been reduced to 13 thousand adults and their savings will only last for half a year

New crown pneumonia | Guidong Building today compulsory inspection of residents: under pressure, clean exhaust fans and close windows for epidemic prevention

New Coronary Pneumonia | 98 cases increase in a single day, a total of 12 people diagnosed in the Fung Nian Building foreign domestic helper quarters in Tai Po

New crown pneumonia | Residents of Tenement Building 5, No. 1 Muchang Street, affected district councillors' worries room modified with pipes for poisoning


Coronavirus disease

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