The Limited Times

Research proves: Thai-Kini rules from Bavaria - why the Foreign Office doesn't act

12/15/2020, 10:14:04 PM

Thailand's King Vajiralongkorn prefers to stay in Bavaria - and apparently also rules from there. That is actually forbidden. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas' tone is sharper.

Thailand's King Vajiralongkorn prefers to stay in Bavaria - and apparently also rules from there.

That is actually forbidden.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas' tone is sharper.

  • Thailand's king, Maha Vajiralongkorn, has preferred to live in Bavaria for years.

  • Documents now prove: He also rules from there - which should actually be forbidden.

  • The Foreign Office finds clear words - but evades the really important questions.


- There has been a


state of emergency






Again and again,

demonstrators take

to the streets

in the capital


, demanding a new constitution and




The role of the


- and the ruling

king Maha Vajiralongkorn


has always been particularly sharply criticized


Unlike his popular father, his reputation is divided in Thailand.

Not least because of his extravagant, lavish lifestyle and his tough hand in dealing with critics.

Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn: does he rule the country from Bavaria?

A particularly big

point of criticism

, which is brought forward again and again: The


as it is sometimes called in this country, has been mainly in


for years

- and that even though he was crowned King of Thailand in 2016.


owns a magnificent

villa in Tutzing


Lake Starnberg.

At the beginning of the

corona pandemic

, he finally withdrew with a staff of servants to a

luxury hotel




Allegedly because he loves the mountains so much - but possibly also because there were tax problems with the villa.

Allegedly, Vajiralongkorn


owes the

Free State

around three billion euros.

The Federal Foreign Office reacts in October: “Thai-Kini” cannot rule from Bavaria

The question remains: does the king rule

his politically troubled country

from German



And if so - is that even allowed?

This question also worries the demonstrators, some of whom have already had to flee into exile.

On October 7, 2020 - Thailand's king is officially in Garmisch-Partenkirchen -

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD)

finally feels compelled to respond.

"We have made it clear that politics that affect the country Thailand

do not have to be carried out from German soil

," Maas said in a public statement.

“Guests” should “not conduct their state affairs from here”.

Should they do this anyway, they will

"clearly counteract".

Research by SZ and WDR shows: Thailand's king rules from the Free State - the Foreign Office is rowing back

New research by



Süddeutscher Zeitung

now shows



also does

official business



It was compared on which days the king performed official acts - while he was demonstrably staying in Bavaria.

The result is impressive.

In the first ten months of 2020 alone, Vajiralongkorn sent


100 letters

to other heads of state, abandoned around

40 royal ordinances

- and stayed

officially in Thailand

for only

nine days,

according to

research by Thais in exile in Germany that were critical of the government, which was checked






The fact that a large part of his

political activities has

to be carried out from Bavaria cannot be denied.

That was probably also


in the

Foreign Office


Only about three weeks after Maas' public statement, politics is backtracking.

State affairs in other countries from German soil are “not a general problem,” says a representative of the Foreign Office.

In plain language: You condemn the king's actions as wrong, but you don't want to take action against it.

The king is

"as a private person"

in Bavaria and is treated as such.

Background: The




relationship with


is good, annually around 900,000

German tourists come

to Thailand, it is considered a

paradise for retirees.

Who wants to start trouble with the already sensitive king, in whose country

criticism of the monarch is


with up to

15 years in prison


"No reliable evidence": The King of Thailand rules from Bavaria - despite the precarious situation in his home country

A request from SZ and WDR to the Foreign Office as to whether the

rule of the Thai king on German soil was

now forbidden went unanswered.

"The king must not break German law or violate

human rights,

" it now says.


goings-on of the king

will be checked, said Maas officially.


sharpness of his words

gives the demonstrators hope - but hardly anything has happened so far, because there is no

reliable evidence

that the king on German soil could have commissioned activities that violate human rights, such as the removal of critics.

Maha Vajiralongkorn

has been in Thailand for a few weeks

due to the increasingly

violent protests


According to


research, he could

return to Bavaria

before the end of the year


There is no statement on whether and how the Federal Foreign Office will react.

Whether you really

want to alienate

probably the

richest monarch in the world

, who not only


the districts of Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Starnberg but also somehow all of Bavaria to a peculiarly

extravagant shine

- hoping for that should not be particularly promising.

List of rubric lists: © Yuttachai Kongprasert

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