The Limited Times

Resignation of Michèle Rubirola: the Marseillais believed they had seen it all ...

12/15/2020, 7:29:04 PM

In the streets of the Phocaean city, it was astonishment, this Tuesday, after the announcement of the departure of their mayor. Surprised, the inhabitants have v

“I'm sure it was planned from the start.

They sent a woman environmentalist to show off, but it is the socialist who will remain mayor for another five and a half years.

The Marseilles Spring deceived the voters, never has a socialist managed to win the town hall of Marseille since Gaston Defferre and it should have continued.


Elector of the LR Martine Vassal during the two rounds of the Marseille municipal elections, Henri was enraged on Tuesday when he heard the news of the resignation of Michèle Rubirola and his probable replacement by his first deputy PS, Benoît Payan.


Michèle Rubirola, first woman mayor of Marseille, announces her resignation

"Michèle Rubirola had won, there is nothing to say even if the participation was ridiculous, especially since Martine Vassal still presides over the metropolis", develops this accountant.

“On the other hand, Payan or any socialist could never have won.

The Marseillais voted Rubirola and will find themselves with Payan and Ghali at the helm.


"I have the impression that I was taken a bit for a nozzle"

While the opposition denounces "tambouilles" and that the National Assembly calls for new municipal elections, the Marseillais learned with astonishment this abandonment after barely a little more than five months of mandate.

“I voted for her because she is green and I was fed up with the Gaudin system.

She was a breath of fresh air, no one knew her, ”recalls Elsa, a fifty-year-old saleswoman.

“But there, I have the impression that I have been taken for a bit: I choose someone and another is going to be mayor.

I hope they have good reasons for doing that, because from a distance it looks a bit unhealthy ”.

“I think she's sick.

If that's it, you have to be understanding, but she could have said it before showing up, continues Samia, a technically unemployed waitress.

At the same time, you can't spend your time denouncing politicians who hang on and criticizing someone who explains resigning because she can't cope with the job at hand.


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Elected in July without an absolute majority at the end of long negotiations with Samia Ghali, Michèle Rubirola had succeeded in putting an end to the 25-year reign of Jean-Claude Gaudin who did not stand for re-election but had appointed Martine Vassal as runner-up.

An armchair that she will have conquered but little occupied.

In the old council chamber, his name is not even included in the list of mayors who have succeeded since the Revolution.