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Secret missions around the world, a protégé of Yossi Cohen: This is the head of the designated institution - Walla! news

12/15/2020, 8:28:46 PM

Veterans of the organization welcomed the appointment, claiming that D. was definitely suitable for the position. Security sources said he was an integral part of Cohen's activist view, thwarting threats - from Hamas to Iran. The institution said that he was thorough and insisted on the small details, and that "from the very beginning he had a broad vision"

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Secret missions around the world, a protégé of Yossi Cohen: This is the head of the designated institution

Veterans of the organization welcomed the appointment, claiming that D. was definitely suitable for the position.

Security sources said he was an integral part of Cohen's activist view, thwarting threats - from Hamas to Iran.

The institution said that he was thorough and insisted on the small details, and that "from the very beginning he had a broad vision"


  • The institution

  • Yossi Cohen

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

Amir Bohbot

Tuesday, 15 December 2020, 22:10

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Photo: Herzliya Conference 2019, Editing: Aviv Irgaz

The Prime Minister's Office announced today (Tuesday) the election of D., the Deputy Head of the Mossad for the past two years, as the next head of the Mossad, replacing Yossi Cohen.

Subject to the approval of the Goldberg Commission, the appointment is scheduled for June 2021. Veterans of the organization welcomed the appointment and praised D.'s suitability for the position.

"Glad they didn't think for a moment to drop someone on the outside again," said one of the veterans.

D., lives with his family in an established locality in the center of the country, served in the General Staff patrol and in other positions in the Armed Forces.

He retired to citizenship and began his career in the business world.

25 years ago, he enlisted in the Mossad, in the days when the Oslo II agreement was signed and particularly murderous attacks were carried out by Palestinian terrorist organizations throughout the country.

Also, in those days according to foreign publications, the Mossad eliminated Islamic Jihad secretary general Fathi Shakaki in Malta and also required special missions from the organization throughout the Middle East, with an emphasis on Syria and Lebanon, but also in many other countries.

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Netanyahu has appointed the deputy head of the Mossad to replace Yossi Cohen

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Considered the cultivator of Yossi Cohen.

The head of the outgoing Mossad, outside his home (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Security sources said that D. was an integral part of Cohen's activist view, in thwarting threats to the State of Israel, from Hamas to the Iranian nuclear project.

D., actually implemented Cohen's plans in the organization's power building, which has intensified greatly in recent years.

The organization has grown, in terms of manpower, including an emphasis on promoting women in the secret organization, employing ultra-Orthodox and integrating people with disabilities including people on the autistic continuum.

In addition, the Mossad has improved on some of the most advanced technological systems in the world, which have strengthened the Mossad's independence in the intelligence community and strengthened its collection capabilities around the world.

Some of the empowerment of the organization can be seen through the construction of buildings at the organization's headquarters.

D., began his career in the Junction Division of the Mossad, which is responsible for intelligence operations and operating agents.

He began his certification process as a collection officer under Yossi Cohen, the current head of the Mossad, but also under the watchful eyes of David Meidan, in the Tzomet division - in which D. also held operational positions.

Meidan began his career as a collection officer at the Mossad, headed the World Division, and was exposed to the public when he led the deal to release Gilad Shalit from Hamas captivity.

Netanyahu presents Iran's nuclear archive, seized by Mossad (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Veterans of the organization said today that Meidan really wanted D. as a collection officer with him, because he recognized his qualities even then.

"From the very beginning, D. had a very broad vision. He was already very thorough in the planning and stood by the small details in a way that impressed everyone."

But in the end, when D. had to decide, he chose to fit in under Yossi Cohen, and over the years they worked together around the world.

Thus, in fact, D. became a foster son of Cohen and advanced up the ranks in the secret organization.

"This is a very good appointment for the organization," said one of the organization's former seniors, who knows D. and the other candidates personally.

"We were not surprised by the appointment, D. is a man of mission"

"We were not surprised by the appointment, but it was also important to us that they do not bring in an outside candidate, and certainly it will be a candidate from the Junction Division, which is a central division in the organization," the former senior official clarified.

"D. is a man of a task. Very responsible. He has gained a lot of experience in the last 25 years. The kind of people that if you put a task on him, he will do it in the best way."

Veterans of the organization claim that he actually began D.'s training process for the position of head of the Mossad when he was elected deputy head of the Mossad, under Yossi Cohen.

"Once he was elected deputy, his path was paved for the position," said a source who knows D.

He added that D. is "an operative, determined, combative, with a knife between his teeth."

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