The Limited Times

US Allows First Covid-19 Test At Home, Without A Prescription

12/15/2020, 8:01:34 PM

The American Medicines Agency (FDA) announced Tuesday, December 15 that it was authorizing the marketing in the United States of the first Covid-19 test at home and without a prescription. Read also: Covid-19: the United States exceeds the mark of 300,000 dead The authorization of the test, which can indicate the presence of the virus in 20 minutes and which will be sold for around 30 dollars, i

The American Medicines Agency (FDA) announced Tuesday, December 15 that it was authorizing the marketing in the United States of the first Covid-19 test at home and without a prescription.

Read also: Covid-19: the United States exceeds the mark of 300,000 dead

The authorization of the test, which can indicate the presence of the virus in 20 minutes and which will be sold for around 30 dollars, is a "

major step

" in the fight against Covid-19, greeted the chief of the FDA, Stephen Hahn.

This test is being manufactured by the California-based company Ellume, which plans to bring three million units to market in January and then millions more in the following months.

This is an antigen test, which means that it detects a molecule on the surface of the coronavirus.

PCR tests look for the genetic material of the virus.

The Ellume test uses a nasal swab, not as long as those used in the medical setting;

it is therefore less painful to use yourself.

According to the FDA, he correctly identified 96% of positive samples and 100% of negative samples in people with symptoms.

The results are available in about 20 minutes and are given via an application, which asks users for their postal code and date of birth in order to transmit the data to public health authorities.

Providing your name and email address is optional.

To develop the test, Ellume received $ 30 million in funding from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).

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