The Limited Times

Wednesday: Surprising Business Initiative Israel today

12/15/2020, 8:58:34 PM

| horoscope Lion: Contact barrier brings you back to old friends • Virgin: It's time for a new page • Full forecast for 16.12 Illustration Photography:  Getty Images lamb A feeling of freshness breathes new life into you. The timing is especially suitable for business initiatives and economic ideas that can improve your financial situation. Someone at work hints that someone is "keeping an eye on you."

Lion: Contact barrier brings you back to old friends • Virgin: It's time for a new page • Full forecast for 16.12

  • Illustration


    Getty Images


A feeling of freshness breathes new life into you.

The timing is especially suitable for business initiatives and economic ideas that can improve your financial situation.

Someone at work hints that someone is "keeping an eye on you."

Tip: Act with discretion.


It is not easy for you to avoid feeling missed.

It's hard to argue with how you feel but there is still room for optimism.

You feel impatient, there may be tension at home.

Diversify your day with a social gathering.


Not simple matters occupy you today.

You feel a great vulnerability and any conversation can turn into a cause for insult.

What to do?

Compete for your rightful place with your head held high.

You are a careerist and social status is no less important to you than emotional issues.


The ideal situation for you today is to be with the one who accepts you in a total way.

Be attentive to broadcasts from family members.

The location of the planet Neptune calmly sends you a message: Travel will allow you to release stress and plan for the future.


New contact barriers bring you back to old friends.

You spend a full day full of travel and visits.

You are stressed and may behave impatiently and bluntly.

It is permissible to declare one day where you forget about the problems and indulge in pleasure.


A day in the shadow of parting and detachment from the past.

It's time to dump her and move on.

You have many opportunities to do new things.

An unconventional pastime in the field of mysticism will give you a particularly good feeling.

You feel like you want to delve into this area.


This is your day and do not let anyone disrupt your joy.

A day when your mood is especially uplifting.

You must leave the house and spend time.

It is very important not to be locked between four walls and tread on the same issues over and over again.


A chance encounter will provide you with the opportunity to practice emotional exposure.

Some confidence, please.

Good things are expected to happen to you today.

The sky is watching a plethora of plans and ideas based on emotional rather than rational aspects.


The mood is great and you feel like on vacation, everything is beautiful but you really do not feel like going to work.

The sky anticipates situations of turbulent moods, but states that these are emotions and not actual actions or deeds.

It may be hinting to you to move from words to deeds.


The sky infuses you with an energy of compassion and implies that someone in your immediate environment needs support, but will make every effort to hide what appears to be an act of weakness.

Give support and find out what's really going on beyond the outward appearance of things.

You are in for a big surprise.


Today is a lazy day for you.

The situation at home is fine and even though you try to play as if you do not really care, you are happy with what is happening.

You get reinforcements from family members and also from people who are not always happy to pargan.

Your positive attitude comes back to you like a boomerang.

Definitely a pleasant twist.


Pretty crazy day.

The more you internalize the fact that today is not a good day to work according to the book, the easier it will be for you to cope.

In the field between you and her, you should also give a chance to meetings that you do not really like.

Things are expected to roll in lucky directions.

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