The Limited Times

Death penalty: UN moratorium resolution adopted with 123 Yes

12/16/2020, 7:13:52 PM

The resolution on the universal moratorium on the death penalty was approved today by the UN General Assembly with 123 votes in favor (more than 121 yes in 2018), 38 against and 24 abstentions. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - NEW YORK, DECEMBER 16 - The resolution on the universal moratorium on the death penalty was approved today by the UN General Assembly with 123 votes in favor (more than 121 yes in 2018), 38 against and 24 abstentions.

The document is promoted every two years by a group of countries among which Italy has always been at the forefront since 2007, when the European Union brought the initiative to the United Nations for the first time on Italy's push.