The Limited Times

Di Maio: "A chilling picture on Regeni, involving the EU"

12/16/2020, 3:59:15 PM

Meeting at Palazzo Chigi with Conte, the Farnesina activated (ANSA) A summit was held at Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini, Interior Owner Luciana Lamrogese and Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio. At the center of the meeting the dossier relating to Giulio Regeni.  The Farnesina, on Di Maio's proposal, will launch the necessary initiatives in the next few hours in order to raise EU awareness on the Regeni case. This

A summit was held at Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini, Interior Owner Luciana Lamrogese and Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio.

At the center of the meeting the dossier relating to Giulio Regeni. 

The Farnesina, on Di Maio's proposal, will launch the necessary initiatives in the next few hours

in order to raise EU awareness

on the Regeni case.

This morning, according to what has been learned, a meeting was held in Father Chigi at the request of Di Maio.

Prime Minister Conte and the ministers Lamorgese and Guerini were present.

Di Maio called

the picture described by Italian magistrates "chilling"

and asked that the government be united in activating all possible international channels.

Di Maio therefore proposed to directly involve the EU to put pressure on Egypt for the election of domicile of the suspects by the Rome prosecutor's office.

"Italy is a founding country of the EU and on the issue of human rights it is not allowed to take a step backwards. It is advisable that our European partners also express themselves clearly on this issue through targeted actions", said Di Maio.