The Limited Times

Eurogroup, states with high debt ensure sustainability

12/16/2020, 4:16:46 PM

"The Eurogroup takes note of the Commission's assessment that for states that already had high debt levels and sustainability challenges before Covid, it is important that they preserve medium-term sustainability when they take measures ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - BRUSSELS, DECEMBER 16 - "The Eurogroup takes note of the Commission's assessment that for states that already had high debt levels and sustainability challenges before Covid, it is important that they preserve medium-term sustainability when they take support measures ": the ministers of the economy write it in the conclusions of the Eurogroup.

   Member States must continue to support the economy and recovery ", but" when the epidemiological and economic situation will allow, they should abandon emergency measures, addressing the social consequences ", and" pursue prudent fiscal policies in the medium term, ensuring debt sustainability and investments at the same time ": (ANSA).