The Limited Times

Fed leaves rates unchanged between 0 and 0.25%

12/16/2020, 7:53:09 PM

Revised upward growth in 2021 at 4.2% (ANSA) The Fed leaves interest rates unchanged. The cost of money remains firm in a range between 0 and 0.25%. This was decided by the central bank in the last meeting of 2020. The Fed's bond purchase program will continue until there is "substantial" progress on the front of employment and inflation. The Fed revises growth estimates for the US economy upwards in 2021, when GDP is expected to grow by 4.2

The Fed leaves interest rates unchanged.

The cost of money remains firm in a range between 0 and 0.25%.

This was decided by the central bank in the last meeting of 2020. The Fed's bond purchase program will continue until there is "substantial" progress on the front of employment and inflation.

The Fed revises growth estimates for the US economy upwards in 2021, when GDP is expected to grow by 4.2% compared to the initially estimated 3.2%.

2020 will close with GDP down by 2.4%.

The Fed's bond buying program will continue until there is "substantial" progress on the employment and inflation front.

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