The Limited Times

Home Ownership 2020 Lottery Results|The order of each category is released! Top 5 things to know about choosing a building

12/16/2020, 2:07:34 AM

[Housing Ownership Lottery Results Number 2020/Successful Lottery/Housing Ownership/Housing Ownership Selection Procedures Guidelines] The new HOS ballot results numbers are released, including Kai Cheung Court in Diamond Hill, Choi Wo Court in Fo Tan, Kam Chun Court in Ma On Shan and Fanling Shanliyuan 4

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Written by: Li Jifei

2020-12-16 10:00

Last update date: 2020-12-16 10:02

[Home Ownership Lottery Result Number 2020/Successful Lottery/Housing Ownership/House Selection Procedure Notes] The new phase of HOS ballot result numbers are released, including Kai Cheung Court in Diamond Hill, Choi Wo Court in Fo Tan, Kam Chun Court in Ma On Shan and Fanling The 4 housing estates of Shanli Court are on sale at 40% off the market price. It is estimated that the purchase of units will start in May or June 2021.

The Housing Authority today (December 16) also announced that the white form and green form applicants will be randomly arranged by computer according to the ballot results.

Who can choose the building first?

What are the procedures for selecting buildings?

This article answers one by one.

Let's take a look at the price, area and location details of the current HOS flats▼▼▼




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Following the ballot, the Housing Authority announced today (December 16) that applicants for the White Form and Green Form will be randomly arranged by computer according to the results of the ballot.

Order of White Form Applicants' House Selection (First 50 pages)▼▼▼




Green Form Applicant's Order of Building Selection (First 50 pages)▼▼▼




Other results:

click here

The result of this HOS draw has been released, the top 10 are as follows▼▼▼




Building selection procedure▼▼▼




Read the instructions for building a house!

5 cases will be disqualified

Even if you win, you must pay attention to the following conditions, otherwise you will be disqualified at any time and the deposit will not be refunded!

Notice for building selection!

5 cases will be DQ▼▼▼




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Inventory of the median income of 18 districts, the financial district is only the 2nd place, where does the money come from?

[Hong Kong/Median Household Income] Is your current income high or low in Hong Kong?

"Hong Kong 01" summarized the ranking of the median monthly household income of households in the 18 districts of Hong Kong from government data, and found that the Central and Western District, as a commercial center, only ranked second, and households had the lowest median monthly income. Do you estimate which district it is?

That is, the regions with the highest median income rank 11 to 18 ▼▼▼




That is, the regions with the highest median income are ranked 1 to 10 ▼▼▼




For more details, please see:

High income in the border area?

Inventory of the median income of 18 districts, the financial district is only the 2nd place, where does the money come from?

Local Hot Talking Home Ownership Scheme 2020

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