The Limited Times

Maturity 2021: high school graduates split on the fate of the exam

12/16/2020, 6:19:41 PM

Only a small majority (53%) would like to do so without hesitation. The preferred modality (even by opposites)? Like last year, without writings and with a longer interview, in presence: 50% of the young people interviewed by (ANSA) support it

Maturity 2021?

The students who will have to face it would not mind at all if the model adopted last year were proposed again: a maxi-oral on all subjects, in June and in person, with a commission as internal as possible and with a score that aims to enhance more the school career that the final test.

This is the 'suggestion', which emerged from a survey carried out by on a sample of 1,500 fifth-grade boys, which the high school students send to the Ministry of Education.

The important thing is that the exam formula is made official as soon as possible, to avoid the uncertainties and controversies that accompanied the 2020 Maturity. In short, a copy and paste of the state exam staged a few months ago, with the only difference to define the rules of the game right away. 

Although, it must be said, the audience is split in half: if a timid majority (53%) is in favor, there is a 47% who, given the situation, would prefer not to do it their own.

And, as happened last spring, the NoMat people are organizing themselves with dedicated social pages and with a petition on that in just over three weeks has passed the milestone of 15,000 signatories.

For the “nomaturita21” the key motivation is that distance learning, which is also characterizing this school year, does not allow them to prepare adequately for such an important test: 49% of those 'against' support it.

While 27% are convinced that a real exam is not needed to evaluate the preparation.

The advocates of maturity at any cost cling, however, above all to the nostalgia effect: for 48% it is an important step in the life of every child, which cannot be canceled;

24% believe that a moment that seals the path taken serves to certify the commitment made during the five-year period.

A debate, however, an end in itself.

The state examination, unless catastrophic events occur, will take place.

The law provides for it.

And most of the graduates - all included, in favor and not - if they could choose how to support it, as mentioned, would replicate the 2020 version: 50%, in fact, appreciated the emergency formula of the maxi-oral (with possible practical exercises ).

The other modalities, including the traditional one (with two national written tests and the 'normal' oral exam), receive the favor of a maximum of 1 student out of 10. Just as, by the students, there is the go-ahead for the Maturity in attendance: 51% approve it;

only 1 in 3 would like to do it 'remotely'.

Obviously the security measures put in place last June would make most of the next graduates calm.

Among the other aspects that students would tend to confirm there is also the timing: for 56% the exam should still take place in mid-June, as always.

But 1 in 4 would like a postponement to July, to have more time to better prepare, given the preparation delays accumulated in recent months.

While almost 1 in 5 pushes to anticipate it at the end of May.

Just as it would be good - 45% of the interviewees in favor - the scoring system designed for the new Maturity 2020: maximum 40 points in the exam, up to 60 points in the school curriculum.

Indeed, another 33% would give even more credit to the grades of the last three years of high school.

Finally, the majority of students (52%), even in 2021, would avoid the end-of-year barrier, admitting all fifth grade students to the exam.

A gesture of opportunity in consideration of the difficulties encountered due to distance learning that dominated the final two years.

The only correction, in the case, should concern the examination board: if it were all internal (including the president, who was also external last year) they would be more relaxed.

What really worries the graduates, if anything, is the timing with which the final decisions will arrive.

For almost 9 out of 10, the Ministry should anticipate and not be reduced to the last second useful as last spring: half of them expect some official news in the very first months of 2021, the other half would even like it by the end of December.

In the end, if we were to judge the graduates by their proposals, the promotion would probably be with flying colors.

The hypothesis that emerges as a majority from the survey, in fact, also finds an authoritative voice from the community of school leaders in agreement.