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Young father dies of cancer: did doctors hold on to wrong diagnosis for too long? - "In May I begged ..."

12/16/2020, 4:19:46 PM

Sherwin Hall died of cancer. Perhaps the young father would still be alive under other circumstances.

Sherwin Hall died of cancer.

Perhaps the young father would still be alive under other circumstances.

  • Sherwin Hall, 28, from Leeds

    died of



  • Had doctors the

    death of the

    young father

    can prevent?

  • Hall's partner is convinced of this.

Leeds - Sherwin Hall, 28, from Leeds dies of

cancer in

early December


His death could have been prevented.

His partner is convinced of that.

"If you had discovered Sherwin's cancer sooner, he would probably still be alive," said the woman from England to the

British daily "The Mirror".

Wrong diagnosis: young father dies of cancer

The young Brit went to a doctor for the first time in September 2019.

The reason:

pain in the groin area


The doctors in charge prescribed antibiotics to Hall.

The complaints subsided.

Then they reappeared in January 2020.

From then on the pain got worse and worse.

The following


can indicate cancer:

  • Palpable


  • Hardening or


    on the skin

  • Pain of

    unexplained origin

  • Change in the


    or testicles

  • Enlargement of

    lymph nodes

    in the armpits, groin, or neck

The doctors did not think of



They suspected a sexually transmitted disease.

“I told them it couldn't be, but it didn't matter.

They were so convinced of it that I eventually began to believe myself that I might

have caught


in a public toilet,

”Hall wrote on the donation website

MRI scan reveals a clear cancer diagnosis

The man, who has now died of cancer, asked for an

MRI scan

in April and May


But no doctor would have listened to him.

“They told me that I can't have a scan because it's all because of


down, ”writes Hall.

From April to June significantly fewer people in #RLP went to the #dentist or for #cancer prevention.

Doctors suspect that some of them shied away from direct contact in the practices - for fear of contracting the #coronavirus.

# Covid_19

- SWR Aktuell RP (@SWRAktuellRP) November 19, 2020

The young father did


get the

magnetic resonance tomography

until the end of May - with a clear diagnosis of cancer: a

malignant tumor

in the pelvis, 30 more tumors in the lungs.

Father dies of cancer - his partner is devastated

Only a few months after the diagnosis, it was clear that the doctors could do nothing more for the young man.


I'm devastated,

" the "Mirror" quotes his partner.

"I've lost the

love of my life


Diagnosing and treating

cancer will

continue to be a priority

during the

corona pandemic

, assured a spokeswoman for the

UK Ministry of Health


"We ask people to report when they have symptoms." (Jan Wendt)

In the USA, on the other hand, a woman's cancer diagnosis was recognized early - she found out about it via Instagram: Because an attentive viewer had noticed something with a TV presenter - a doctor later confirmed the diagnosis.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.