The Limited Times

Covid-19: Jean Castex, Brigitte Macron, Richard Ferrand ... Who are the potential "contact cases" of Macron?

12/17/2020, 10:29:04 AM

The Head of State had lunch with the President of the National Assembly and the bosses of parliamentary groups at the Palais Bourbon on Tuesday. The ministers present at Wednesday's Council are not placed in solitary confinement.

Will the whole Republic have to isolate itself?

Just minutes after the announcement from the Elysee Palace, which indicated that Emmanuel Macron had tested positive for the coronavirus, Prime Minister Jean Castex let it be known that he was also "

in solitary confinement


The two men had dinner together Tuesday evening.

Contacted by

Le Figaro

, the Elysee has not yet commented on the state of health of the first lady Brigitte Macron, nor on her possible placement in solitary confinement.

The wife of the head of state had already had an alert in October, but she had tested negative.

The presidents of the Assembly groups had lunch at the Élysée on Tuesday

Although the Head of State is supposed to respect barrier gestures in all circumstances, all the people with whom he has physically spoken in recent days are now considered as potential “contact cases”.

This is particularly the case of Richard Ferrand, the President of the National Assembly, as well as the 9 presidents of the parliamentary groups of the Palais Bourbon, who were all received for lunch at the Élysée on Tuesday noon.

Ministers are not considered "contact cases" despite the Council on Wednesday

Among them were Christophe Castaner (LREM), Patrick Mignola (MoDem), Olivier Becht (Agir), Damien Abad (LR), Valérie Rabault (PS), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI), Jean-Christophe Lagarde (UDI), André Chassaigne (PCF), and Bertrand Pancher (Freedoms and Territories).

According to CNews, all members of the government who participated in the Council of Ministers and the Defense Council on Wednesday received a message from the Elysee saying that they "

are not 'contact cases' because distance, masks and barrier gestures

Have been applied.

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