The Limited Times

Hit parade, Ligabue remains at the top of the standings

12/18/2020, 5:52:36 PM

For the second week in a row Ligabue's "7" dominates the ranking of best-selling albums in Italy, from 11 to 17 December, according to Fimi / Jfk data. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 18 - For the second week in a row, Ligabue's "7" dominates the ranking of the most sold albums in Italy, from 11 to 17 December, according to Fimi / Jfk data.

The new Liga album (with seven unreleased tracks, released from drawers and reworked) is followed by Claudio Baglioni's new album, which arrived after seven years of production, entitled "In questo storia cheé la mia".

SferaEbbasta with "Famoso" also remains firmly on the third step.

Up one place to fourth, "Ouch!"

dei Pinguini Tattici Nucleari, the same title of the novel published by the frontman of the group Riccardo Zanotti.

Renato Zero lost a position with Zerosettanta Vol. 1 (third chapter of the trilogy).

Zerosettanta Vol. 2 remains in the top ten in eighth place.

At number six we find the only new entry of the top ten: DOC fourteenth studio album by Zucchero Fornaciari, released on November 8 by UniversalMusic Group.

    Finally, the first among the most downloaded singles is Baby by SferaEbbasta & J. Balvin.

Among the best-selling vinyls Ouch!

deiPinguini Tattici Nucleari, followed by DOC di ZuccheroFornaciari.