The Limited Times

The capital and the State of Mexico, in a red traffic light before the advance of the coronavirus

12/18/2020, 6:43:42 PM

The metropolitan area closes all non-essential activities and the population is asked to make an “extraordinary effort” not to have parties

Pedestrians with masks in Mexico City, this December 16.ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP

Mexico City and the State of Mexico that surrounds it have returned to a red light due to the number of infections that does not stop growing and the hospital capacity, close to 75%, which will be expanded so that everyone who becomes ill "can have a bed ”.

This was announced by the city's head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, and the governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo, who were accompanied by the federal undersecretary of Health, Hugo López Gatell.

All have staged political unity in the face of an emergency like the one that is currently being experienced in the Valley of Mexico, where a quarter of the country's population is concentrated, with some 23 million people.

Thus, in the Valley of Mexico, all non-essential activities are suspended from this Saturday until January 10.

The message has been unitary and resounding: the population must make an additional effort to stop this new wave of infections that has forced drastic measures, which have been avoided in recent weeks in the interest of an acceptable development of the economy even in times of pandemic.

But the figures leave no room for doubt, infections are putting hospital capacity on the edge of the abyss.

"It is not time for parties, we will celebrate when we can reduce the epidemic, suffering and deaths," said López Gatell.

Sheinbaum thanked the population for their responsibility, exercised "by the majority" of the inhabitants of the valley.

"Exceptions are those who have participated in meetings and parties."

And the governor of the Mazo has highlighted the unity of action that they are having both at the state and federal level as well as with the rest of the health institutions to stop this outbreak of pandemic, which returns the data to the weeks of May, when the peaks occurred Taller.

Gatell has announced that from tomorrow, Saturday until January 10, all non-essential activities are suspended, something that has been agreed between the different federal secretariats involved.

Only the sale of food will continue to work, but at home in the case of restaurants, or the customer can go to pick up their order, but never stay on the premises.

Energy, transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, funeral homes, construction, financial services and telecommunications.

Of course, the sale of medicines, in addition to repair and repair and tax offices, security, public works and water service.

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