The Limited Times

Belgium with more deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants, then Peru and Italy

12/19/2020, 4:25:54 PM

With 161 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, Belgium is the country with the highest number of Covid-19 victims in relation to the population, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 19 - With 161 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants, Belgium is the country with the highest number of Covid-19 victims in relation to the population, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University.

Perù follows in the sad ranking (115 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants), third is Italy with 112.

    In statistical terms, the Republic of San Marino is the country with the highest number of deaths based on the population (162 out of 100 thousand), which for the small number of inhabitants contain all 55 deaths.

    In absolute terms, on the other hand, our country is fifth in the world for the number of deaths with over 67,000 victims since the beginning of the pandemic, after the USA, Brazil, India and Mexico.

    Mortality, physicist Giorgio Sestili notes in the science communication network, analyzing data from Johns HopkinsUniversity, is the number of deaths positive for the SarsCoV2 virus compared to the population of a particular country and must be distinguished from lethality which is the number of virus-positive deaths on the total number of positive cases recorded.

A distinction, he notes, is necessary to correctly interpret the data, considering that today some newspapers had pointed to Italy as the first in the world for mortality from Covid.

    "If in this ranking it is legitimate not to consider San Marino, a state with only 33,964 inhabitants, we certainly cannot ignore Belgium, which instead has a population of over 11 million inhabitants", concludes the physicist.


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