The Limited Times

Covid: Johnson, the new variant present throughout the Kingdom

12/19/2020, 9:04:37 PM

Johnson cancels Christmas: 'It circulates much faster'. The capital, East and South East of England in 'tier 4'. 'The new variant of the virus is circulating faster than expected,' says the British prime minister. Lockdown also in Scotland and Wales. Edinburgh: 'No travel to the rest of the UK' (ANSA)

The coronavirus mutation that is spreading with great rapidity in London and south-east England is scary


After hearing the advice of virologists and fellow ministers, Conservative Prime Minister

Boris Johnson had to take drastic measures, announcing a tough lockdown from tomorrow for the capital and neighboring counties and thus returning to the slogan of 'Stay at home'.

'stay home', because the risk of getting sick is increasing exponentially.

In the face of the emergency, the World Health Organization (WHO) was immediately notified and the British alert system was changed with the creation of a new even more serious level, called 'Tier 4' (which is added to the other three existing), and applied to millions of people residing in the metropolis and in large southern and eastern parts of the country.

This translates into the 'canceled' Christmas, as the media across the Channel have already titled, and above all in the fact that many of Her Majesty's subjects will have to forget the easing of restrictions promised in recent days by the prime minister, who, once again, was forced to back down.

The announcement came at a press conference in Downing Street.

"The variant of the virus circulates faster than the previous one - Johnson announced - there is no evidence of greater lethality, causing more serious diseases, or the fact that the vaccine is less effective".

Johnson, however, immediately specified what he means by "faster transmissibility": we are talking about 70% more than the variant known and fought by doctors up to now.

A percentage that is reflected in the alarming numbers of infections that the prime minister has communicated. 

The infections from Covid recorded in the last 24 hours in the Kingdom have been over 27,000, compared to 28,500 yesterday, while the victims have risen to 534, compared to 489 yesterday.

The premier stressed that although the variant of the virus is concentrated in 'Tier 4' areas, it is nevertheless present throughout the national territory.

"We must therefore sacrifice this Christmas in order to have others in the future", he stressed, aware, and said it several times, of having to give "with a heavy heart" indications that will surely disappoint the millions of Britons eager to celebrate with their loved ones.

In addition to staying at home, with few exceptions (work and education), the new 'Tier 4' measures provide for the ban on meeting more than one person in public outdoor spaces;

it is not allowed to go abroad, except in exceptional circumstances, while shops selling non-essential goods, as well as indoor gyms and recreational facilities, are closed.

These are equivalent measures to those introduced in England in November and which will remain in place for two weeks, with a review expected on 30 December. 

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