The Limited Times

Covid-19: Emmanuel Macron's state of health is "stable" this Saturday

12/19/2020, 12:07:36 PM

The head of state has undergone examinations which "have proved to be reassuring," said the Elysee. Emmanuel Macron, tested positive for Covid-19 Thursday, presents Saturday, December 19 " a stable state of health " compared to the day before and the results of his clinical and paraclinical examinations " have proved to be reassuring, " said the Elysee in a communicated. Read also: Macron and transparency: "Media enthusiasm and anthropological constants" The Head of State, in solitary confinem

Emmanuel Macron, tested positive for Covid-19 Thursday, presents Saturday, December 19 "

a stable state of health

" compared to the day before and the results of his clinical and paraclinical examinations "

have proved to be reassuring,

" said the Elysee in a communicated.

Read also: Macron and transparency: "Media enthusiasm and anthropological constants"

The Head of State, in solitary confinement in the official residence of La Lanterne in Versailles, "

still presents the same symptoms of the Covid-19 disease (fatigue, cough, muscle aches) which in no way prevent him from fulfilling his functions

”, adds this brief press release, signed by Dr. Jean-Christophe Perrochon, Chief Medical Officer of the Presidency of the Republic.

Over the year, this former army emergency physician is supported by four assistant doctors who take turns 24 hours a day with Emmanuel Macron.

Friday, the head of state had published a video, indicating to be well and urging the French to be careful during the end of year celebrations.


I have an activity that is a little slowed down, but priority files, I continue to take care of them,

" assured Emmanuel Macron.

In this message, he adds that if he has contracted the Covid, it "

shows that the virus, really, can affect anyone


Because I am very protected.

I am very careful.

And despite everything, I caught this virus, perhaps a moment of neglect, a moment of bad luck too


He also insists that he tested positive Thursday as "

18,000 French and French

" that day.


So the virus is starting again even stronger, so we must be vigilant

", even if the health rules "

weigh you down


But we have to hold on,

” he said.

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