The Limited Times

Shortly before the handover: Trump reacts with a series of executions - and even breaks with a 130-year tradition

12/19/2020, 12:31:36 PM

Executions increase in the last day of US President Donald Trump's term in office. Several celebrities have campaigned for an execution to be stopped - without success.

Executions increase in the last day of US President Donald Trump's term in office.

Several celebrities have campaigned for an execution to be stopped - without success.

  • Federal


    were reintroduced in July 2019.

  • Since then,

    10 people have been executed

    at the US federal level


  • Prominent voices are being raised

    against a

    death sentence

    on Thursday.

Washington DC -

Donald Trump

is known as an ardent supporter of the death penalty.

According to the

Death Penalty Information Center



Trump administration

wants to

carry out

three more death sentences before

his successor

Joe Biden takes


, as reported by *


The case of

Brandon Bernard

shows how consistently the death sentences are implemented.

Donald Trump reintroduced death sentences on federal level

Since 2003, the

execution of death sentences has been suspended at the federal level


US Attorney General

William Barr

announced last year

the resumption of executions at the federal level.

After a long legal struggle, a

death sentence was carried out

on this basis

for the first time in July 2019


Since then,

10 people

have been executed at the federal level.

The case of

Brandon Bernard has received

special media attention

in the last few days


Celebrities like the American influencer

Kim Kardashian

, who has campaigned for those sentenced to death in the past, have vehemently opposed the 40-year-old's execution.

Half a million people have signed a petition requesting

that the execution of Bernard be suspended


Kardashian and the supporters argued, among other things, that


was too


at the time of the crime

and that his Gehrin was not yet properly developed.

Trump's execution streak: Kim Kardashian can't help Brandon Bernard anymore



sentenced to death

in the state of Texas in 1999 at the age of 18 for involvement in a



His attorney Robert C. Owen stated that Bernard made "a terrible mistake at the age of 18".

Since then he has "never ceased to feel shame and deep remorse for his actions".

But all of the




ultimately could not prevent Bernard from being



lethal injection

on Thursday in a detention center in Terre Haute, Indiana




administration is pushing execution of death row inmates at the federal level as it is foreseeable that the upcoming

Joe Biden administration will

suspend executions and commute them to life sentences.

The rest of the executions are almost exclusively black men.

Lisa Montgomery is the only woman currently awaiting execution of her death sentence.

Should Montgomery be executed on January 12, 2021 as planned, she would be the first woman to be executed

at the federal level in

nearly 70 years


If executed tomorrow, Brandon will die having never been able to touch his children.

All his visits with them have been behind glass, though this has not deterred him from being the best father he can be from prison.

- Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) December 10, 2020

If all outstanding

death sentences were

carried out,

more people would have been executed


Donald Trump

than under any other US president.

Trump is

also breaking

with the 130-year tradition that no new death sentences are carried out during the transition from one administration to the next.


January 20

, the transition period is over.


Joe Biden

will take over the business of government.

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © Patrick Semansky / dpa

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