The Limited Times

Experts claim: "Panic over the British mutation is unnecessary - the vaccine is also effective against it" | Israel today

12/20/2020, 12:40:49 PM

| health In the shadow of the vaccination campaign that was launched in Israel today, a new panic arose in the world of a new strain of corona virus that has changed and originated in the UK • We checked with senior officials in the Israeli health system what is known about the new mutation, and whether it is really more contagious than the original virus. The Israeli health system today (Sunday) official

In the shadow of the vaccination campaign that was launched in Israel today, a new panic arose in the world of a new strain of corona virus that has changed and originated in the UK • We checked with senior officials in the Israeli health system what is known about the new mutation, and whether it is really more contagious than the original virus.

The Israeli health system today (Sunday) officially launched the vaccination campaign against the corona virus.

At the same time, however, panic began in the world of a new strain of the mutated virus, which according to reports from the UK is more contagious than the original virus.

In light of this we tried to find out what is known about the new mutation, how contagious it is and what the experts think of it.

Operation "Give Shoulder" launched: Medical teams in hospitals begin to be vaccinated // Photo: Yoni Rickner

The new mutation

First it is important to note that viruses are constantly undergoing changes and mutations and changing over time.

So it is with the flu, and so it is with other viruses in the world.

It is therefore not surprising that the corona virus has also undergone a change or mutation and is in fact a natural phenomenon.

It is important to note that sometimes the mutation is less dangerous and deadly than the original virus.

On the other hand there are times when it is more lethal, while sometimes there is no real meaning to change.

In the case of the mutation that was discovered in the UK, it was claimed that it is about 70 percent more contagious than the original corona virus, and that it is stronger in its ability to cause the disease - but it is not a more deadly mutation. 

The Director General of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Hezi Levy, commented today on the vaccine's ability to deal with the new mutation: "We see a mutation that is spreading in England, South Africa and other countries.

The mutation probably causes more extensive infection.

The vaccine probably also works against the mutation but it is still being tested.

We are familiar with the phenomenon of mutations in viruses, so it is extremely important to get vaccinated against the corona virus.

Positive samples to the corona of people returning from these countries will be sent for genetic flooring. "

Prof. Ran Blitzer also commented on the mutation on Twitter: "I am repeatedly asked about the British mutation and the implications for the vaccine: at this stage there is no evidence that the British variant involves a disruption to existing vaccine activity. The British carry out an ongoing assessment and we follow closely." 

Prof. Blitzer added that all viruses undergo changes, so for example in the influenza virus, an updated vaccine is prepared every year that is suitable for the seasonal virus.

"In viral diseases like this, one must also prepare for 'antigenic drift', which will require a periodic / annual update of the vaccine, such as the flu."

Whoever referred to the virus yesterday was British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said at a special press conference that following the identification of a new mutation he is announcing restrictions on the south east of England, including London.

Johnson said the new strain has a significantly greater infectivity than previous strains. 

"The spread of the virus is now being led by a new type of it, and although there is no indication that it causes greater mortality, initial information indicates that its infectivity may be 70 per cent higher than that recorded in the old type. It is spreading very fast," said the British Prime Minister. Johnson further said that according to experts, the new virus is responsible for about 60 per cent of cases currently in the south east of England and more than 50 per cent in the capital.

"Completely unnecessary panic - every virus goes through changes"

Prof. Amos Pent, a virologist from the Hebrew University School of Medicine and the committee that accompanies the development of the Israeli vaccine at the Biological Institute in Ness Ziona, said: "At the moment, the panic is completely unnecessary, they just scare the public who are already stressed by the epidemic." 

"First of all, you should know that every virus changes over time, and even today the virus in Israel is a little different from the virus in the United States, where there are even some types of viruses. The vaccine is effective and good, and the fact that there are some changes here and there in the virus does not affect the vaccine. , When they did the vaccine in the US they did it on tens of thousands of people, and did not check what corona virus everyone has.

The vaccine has protected people everywhere regardless of the difference between it and viruses in other parts of the United States. " 

Regarding the broader level of infection of the British virus, Prof. Pent said: "We do not yet know if this virus is really more contagious. There is almost no more real information, so far it has only been genetically engineered in the laboratory and not actually tested how much it is contagious or why it is more contagious. "In that case, the hysteria is completely unnecessary. People can quietly continue to be vaccinated and they will also be protected from this virus following the vaccine."

Prof. Daniel Shepshelovich, Deputy Director of the Internal Medicine Department at Ichilov Hospital, is not thrilled by the British publications at the moment: "There is almost no information about the new mutation at the moment. A heavy price later. " 

"However, the vaccine is developed against a protein that is very critical for the virus, and if there is a change or mutation in this protein, then the virus will be harmed in its effectiveness. "Therefore, in my opinion, there is nothing to be worried about, because even if it is a slightly different virus, it is hard to believe that the change is in this protein. But certainly, as with anything scientific, we have to wait and see," he concludes.