The Limited Times

Marina Confalone, Eduardo was almost a father

12/20/2020, 1:16:48 PM

For Marina Confalone Eduardo de Filippo was not only a teacher but "almost a father", at least on the stage at the same time he felt, given his young age, a sort of awe "he was the greatest actor of the twentieth century". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 20 - For Marina Confalone Eduardo deFilippo was not only a teacher but "almost a father", at least on the stage at the same time he felt a sort of awe at his young age "was the greatest actor of the twentieth century ". The Neapolitan actress talks about herself in a long interview on the occasion of the long-awaited Christmas in Casa Cupiello, the dramatic text by Eduardo De Filippo which returns to TV for a new transposition, on December 22nd in the first evening on Rai1, with a film event directed by Edoardode Angelis. If Sergio Castellitto in the role of Lucariello is playing the role of the great Neapolitan dramatist this time, to support him in the role of his wife is precisely this lioness of contemporary theater and cinema where she has interpreted about fifty roles with great directors from Monicelli to Wertmuller, passing through Fellini, Luchetti and Calopreste, Nanni Loy, Giuseppe Bertolucci but who above all had already collaborated with Eduardo, and who in the film by Rai Fiction and Picomedia here plays Concetta, a character made immortal by Pupella Maggio. "I am not inspired by Pupella. An actress that I adore and that I peeked at during the performances. The film is set in 1950, not in 1931 as in the original by De Filippo, even the social background is less proletarian. The text was derived from the various The staging of De Angelis is extraordinary, it respected tradition and archeology, enriching it with introspection. Everything was recited in the imprint. In the end it seemed to me that I was inside the Cupiello house, to be myself Concetta, my own ". In the cast that we will see on Tuesday also ToniLaudadio, Pina Turco, Antonio Pantaleo, Vittorio Elia. (HANDLE).