The Limited Times

Rolling together: Yael Goldman and Uri Pepper sweating on the way to shopping - Walla! Celebs

12/20/2020, 10:22:37 PM

If it's already a wintry sunny day, then why would the cute duo Yael Goldman and Uri Pepper not take advantage of it for the benefit of tanning plus a shopping spree? This is what it looks like, including checking out what you thought they would purchase. Walla! Wheel celebs

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  • Paparazzi

Rolling together: Yael Goldman and Uri Pepper are sweating on the way to shopping

If it's already a wintry sunny day, then why would the cute duo Yael Goldman and Uri Pepper not use it for the benefit of physical activity from tanning plus a shopping spree?

This is what it looks like, including checking out what you thought they would purchase.


Wheel celebs


  • Yael Goldman

  • Uri Pepper


Celebs |

Photo: Paul Segal

Monday, 21 December 2020, 00:10

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Reuben Castro

You know how it is in recent times, permissible recommendation of the house, forbidden to leave the house, so if it's already morning winter sun that is based - what one of the couples recognized swamp entertainment,

Yael Goldman,


Ori Pfeffer

, not exploit it in favor of a trip, combined exercise and even some sun .


Gossip about Pepper and Goldman also on Instagram

You know what they say, the one who pedals together ... Yael Goldman and Uri Pepper

Also shopping together!

Goldman, 42, and Pepper, who is three years older than her, were recently caught by the paparazzi photographer when they arrived at a property in the Tel Aviv port area - but not on foot or by boat (well, port!), But on bicycles, each with his own wheels.

Because there is no reason to waste time and not work on cardiopulmonary endurance in a pair, as long as possible.

More on Walla!


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And what did they buy you wonder?

After Goldman went to pick while Pepper was left to tie up the vehicle, she was caught carrying a bag of nuts, snacks and nuts, not forgetting a box of spicy pea-wasabi as well.

Uri loves.


Celebs are waiting for an invitation to sit with them on the porch over a bag of pumpkin seeds.

"Shall we jump in to bring an exciting Paul?".

Goldman and Pepper

"Come on, we're connected anyway"

The safest.

Uri Pepper

"Wait, give the bag a peek in the meantime, let's get along"

Pleasant shopping.

Yael Goldman

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