The Limited Times

Arrests for drugs and released from prison: investigating judge, purchase due to lockdown

12/24/2020, 12:16:51 PM

Arrested in a car with a pound of heroin and released 48 hours later. "It is persuasive that they decided to increase their availability to avoid being left out of stock at a time when it is difficult to move in search of drug dealers". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BRESCIA, 24 DEC - Arrested in a car with a pound of heroin and released 48 hours later.

"It is persuasive that they decided to increase their availability to avoid being out of stock in a historical moment in which it is difficult to move in search of drug dealers".

Thus the investigating judge of Brescia motivates the decision to release a couple from Padua, he 44 years old and she 53, both drug addicts but with a stable and clean job.

They were thus deemed to be consumers and not drug dealers and therefore released.

    The two, defended by the lawyer Luca Broli, had been blocked on the A4 motorway at Palazzolo, in the province of Brescia.

    "As avid consumers they wanted to create an adequate reserve of drugs not only for the upcoming Christmas holidays, but also for any eventuality, taking into account the probable restrictions on circulation linked to the ongoing health emergency", writes the investigating judge who explains that no elements have been collected. their burden on membership in a drug dealing circuit