The Limited Times

Brexit: cat Larry steals Downing St. and attacks pigeon

12/24/2020, 12:16:57 PM

A paw to an unfortunate passing pigeon, as if to celebrate in its own way the imminent post-Brexit agreement between the United Kingdom and the EU. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - LONDON, DECEMBER 24 - A paw at an unfortunate pigeon passing by, as if to celebrate in a manner the imminent agreement on post-Brexit between the United Kingdom and the EU.

Cat Larry, who has ruled Downing Street for years, indifferent to the succession of His Majesty's heads of government (from David Cameron, to Theresa May, to Boris Johnson), stole the scene again this morning in front of the British Prime Minister's residence, attracting the attention of journalists, photographers and television crews.

    The attack obviously induced the bird to fly in retreat.


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