The Limited Times

"The IDF bombed a secret Hamas rocket facility" | Israel Today

12/26/2020, 7:34:41 PM

| Security A senior member of the terrorist organization told "Israel Today" that a structure that was attacked east of Gaza City was used to increase the range and accuracy of the rockets in the group's possession and that a lot of damage was done. A building damaged by an IDF attack in the Gaza Strip // Photo: AP A sensitive installation of the Hamas terrorist organization's missile development system w

A senior member of the terrorist organization told "Israel Today" that a structure that was attacked east of Gaza City was used to increase the range and accuracy of the rockets in the group's possession and that a lot of damage was done.

  • A building damaged by an IDF attack in the Gaza Strip // Photo: AP

A sensitive installation of the Hamas terrorist organization's missile development system was damaged in an air force attack, a senior member of the organization revealed tonight (Saturday).

A senior Hamas official confirmed to Israel Today this evening that during an early morning airstrike in the Gaza Strip, a secret Hamas facility was bombed east of Gaza City, producing advanced rockets and improving the range of flight and accuracy of old Hamas-owned rockets. 

Two launches from the Gaza Strip were intercepted by an iron dome // Photo: Eddie Israel

According to the Palestinian official, this is one of the important sites of Hamas that was attacked and the site was heavily damaged.

The senior official claims that after the attack, large Hamas forces closed the incident area and prevented local and foreign media from approaching and filming the evacuation work of the site that was destroyed in the attack.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum condemned the attack and sent a strong message to Israel that Hamas did not sit idly by in the face of continued Israeli aggression in Gaza.

The IDF attacked targets in the Gaza Strip this morning in response to the firing of two rockets at the city of Ashkelon. Common to terrorist organizations.

This, without an order from the High Command in Islamic Jihad.

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