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Clashes in protest of the death of her beloved godfather: 4 policemen were injured, 5 protesters were arrested - Walla! news

12/26/2020, 8:52:46 PM

Hundreds of people are protesting in front of the national police headquarters in Jerusalem over the boy's death during a police chase. Clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the police, during which 5 protesters were arrested and two of the policemen were injured by stone throwing at them. In an unusual case during the demonstration, an Arab family was attacked in their car

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Clashes in protest of the death of her godfather: 4 policemen were injured, 5 protesters were arrested

Hundreds of people are protesting in front of the national police headquarters in Jerusalem over the boy's death during a police chase.

Clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the police, during which 5 protesters were arrested and two of the policemen were injured by stone throwing at them.

In an unusual case during the demonstration, an Arab family was attacked in their car


  • police chase

  • Jerusalem

  • Israel Police

Maya Horodnichano Weiner will defend

Saturday, 26 December 2020, 22:16

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In the video: Protest at the national headquarters in Jerusalem, following the killing of the boy Ahuvia Godfather (Photo: Roni Kanfo)

Hundreds of protesters tonight (Saturday) in front of the national police headquarters in Jerusalem on the death of their beloved boy Godfather in a police chase in Benjamin.

The protesters call on the Minister of Internal Security to establish an external commission of inquiry to investigate the conduct of the Judea and Samaria district.

In an unusual case during the demonstration, demonstrators attacked a car with an Arab family in it.

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To the full article

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Olive handkerchief at demonstration, tonight (Photo: Dvir Dahari)

Clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the police, during which five protesters were arrested and four policemen were injured, two of them throwing stones at them.

The protesters also blocked the roads and the nearby light rail axis at times, and the police in response used an olive grove to evacuate them


He was then arrested and the baby was transferred to his mother who was present at the scene.

Clashes in demonstration, tonight (Photo: Daniel Gilo, TPS)

Last night, the Department of Police Investigations at the State Attorney's Office opened an investigation into the incident, in which the boy was found dead.

PIU argued that the investigation had already begun operations at the moment when the incident happened. Some of the policemen checked the incident, four police officers were questioned under caution, and took statements from several police.

Also, two days ago, the Magistrate's Court ordered the release of Bat Yam house arrest the four suspects who were in the car with Godfather: The police tried to accuse the suspects of causing death by negligence but Judge Liad Segev denied it and ruled that the four would be sent under house arrest until the end of the current month.

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