The Limited Times

Corona aid: Trump does not sign the stimulus package - Biden warns of "devastating consequences"

12/26/2020, 9:28:41 PM

The negotiations were tough. Then the two big parties agreed on a new stimulus package. Donald Trump doesn't care. Now Joe Biden joins in too.

The negotiations were tough.

Then the two big parties agreed on a new stimulus package.

Donald Trump doesn't care.

Now Joe Biden joins in too.

  • Congress had agreed on a new

    Corona stimulus package

    , but

    Donald Trump *

    does not like the result.

  • Instead of $ 600 in aid for the Americans, he wants $ 2,000 - to the delight of the



  • Should


    not send him a "suitable" bill, Trump will probably veto.

Update from December 26th, 9.48 p.m.:

Now the designated

US President Joe Biden has


in the discussion about the

Corona aid package


He makes

serious reproaches to

his predecessor and current President

Donald Trump




stance of refusal

is irresponsible and will have "devastating consequences," said the


on Saturday.


must immediately sign the package.

Otherwise, ten million Americans would lose their unemployment benefits.


aid package


worth around $ 900 billion (about 730 billion euros)

, also includes an extension of unemployment benefits until the end of March.

In addition, many US citizens should receive a one-time payment of $ 600.

However, Trump

wanted to increase that amount to $ 2,000 and did not sign the legislative package.

That brought a lot of criticism to the outgoing president.

Democratic Senator

Elizabeth Warren wrote

on Twitter: "


must stop playing games while Americans are starving."

Mitch McConnell and the @SenateGOP waited months to pass a shamefully insufficient relief bill.

Now Trump is abandoning families who desperately need unemployment checks for food and rent. The Republicans need to stop playing games while Americans starve.

- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) December 26, 2020



would have

until the end of January

to sign


stimulus package

or to veto it.

But already on Monday the USA is threatened with a so-called



Because together with the package, part of the federal government's budget was also passed.

It would be incapable of acting if it were not signed.

"In just a few days, the government's funding will run out, putting vital services and salaries for the military at risk," warned



From his inauguration on January 20, the soon-to-be US president also wants to campaign for another

economic stimulus package

to contain the pandemic and stimulate the economy.

Corona aid package in USA: Democrats follow Donald Trump's proposal

Update from December 25, 8:45 a.m.:

The dispute over the

Corona aid package in the US Congress


The outgoing US President

Donald Trump

had previously massively criticized the package of measures - and made a demand that



Democrats of

all people.

Instead of 600 dollars, the one-time and direct

aid payments

to most US citizens should be increased to 2000 dollars.

The Democrats' original request.

Nancy Pelosi

, chairwoman of the House of Representatives, readily agreed to Trump's request.

However, this was not particularly well received by the

Republicans in the US Congress


As reported by the

Associated French Press

, they spoke out against the $ 2,000 payout on Thursday - a concrete move by the Democrats.

Whereupon Pelosi appealed to Trump to exert pressure to end the "blockade" of party colleagues.

She also said the

Republican Party

"cruelly withheld" the $ 2,000 check from the population

Corona aid package in the USA: Donald Trump rejects and accuses Congress of not reading it

First report from December 23, 9:40 am:

Washington, DC - "It really is a shame."

Donald Trump


this word to describe


corona stimulus package

of Congress

in a speech published on Twitter


Democrats and Republicans had argued over the aid for months.

No sooner have the House of Representatives and Senate passed the 5000-page text of the law than US President Trump once again does what he wants.



accuses the


members of not having read the text "because of its length and complexity".

Trump calls for improvements.

Otherwise, at least as he suggests in the video, he would not sign the stimulus package with a volume of around 900 billion US dollars.

Congress has passed Corona stimulus package, but Donald Trump is not satisfied with the sums

Specifically, Trump demanded that the one-time and direct

aid payments

to most citizens should be increased from the "ridiculously low" 600 dollars to 2000 dollars.

In addition, he demanded the deletion of what he saw as “wasteful and unnecessary” expenditure.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2020

He counts large sums of money from the package and sums it up:

Money is being spent

on "foreign states, lobbyists and special interests", but Congress is sending "the bare essentials to the Americans who need it".

Because in relation to the

Corona crisis

he says, “It wasn't their fault, it was


fault.” Repeating his accusations against China that they brought the virus into the world.



package, laboriously negotiated by both parties,

is intended, among other things, to help citizens in financial need and the unemployed, provide impetus for the troubled economy and provide additional funds for the fight against the coronavirus and vaccinations.

The Congress had it on Tuesday night with a very large majority.

Trump had stayed out of the



If he should now actually use his


, Congress could overrule him with a two-thirds majority.

USA / Congress: Nancy Pelosi approves Trump's demand - Republicans have resisted so far

Shortly before the end of his presidency, it would be the first time for Donald Trump that Congress overrode his veto.

Because of the

Christmas holidays

, it seemed uncertain whether the Congress would have enough time for it.


House of Representatives *

was re-elected on November 3, and also about a third of the seats in the

Senate *

stood for vote.

Parliament meets for a new legislative period at the beginning of January.

It seems uncertain whether newly elected MPs and senators would also approve a package that was previously negotiated without them.

In an unusual way,

Nancy Pelosi

, chairwoman of the House of Representatives,

agreed to a demand made by Trump


She said on Twitter that the

Democrats *

were immediately ready to resolve the direct aid payments of US $ 2,000 with a simplified procedure in parliament.

"Let's do it!" The

Republicans *

in Congress, especially in the Senate, however, have repeatedly spoken out against a more generous stimulus package.

It is therefore unlikely that they would agree to a higher payment.

Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks.

At last, the President has agreed to $ 2,000 - Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent.

Let's do it!

- Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) December 23, 2020

Donald Trump talks about his future and makes it clear who he sees in the next administration

In his

video message

, Trump said that if Congress did not send him a “suitable” bill, the stimulus package would have to be approved by the next administration.

"And maybe I'll be that government," he said.

Even though

Joe Biden *

has already been elected by the electorate with a large majority.

Trump continues to doubt the election result.

Despite unsuccessful prospects, his team continues to file lawsuits against the election.

Experts see no plausible and legal scenario in which Trump could ultimately remain president.

Biden has


the new

stimulus package

and has already announced that he will seek further support measures from January.

Along with the stimulus package, a $ 1.4 trillion portion of the federal government budget was also approved.

Trump should therefore actually sign the package within a week to avoid the government running out of money.

Then a



with which Parliament

wanted to avert

a so-called


i.e. a partial standstill of government business, will expire.

(cibo with material from dpa) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

List of rubric lists: © Carolyn Kaster / dpa

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