The Limited Times

Covid-19: Switzerland recognizes errors

12/26/2020, 6:28:47 PM

In March, during the first wave, Switzerland was not hit as badly as other European countries and did not impose such strict containment.

Swiss Minister of Health Alain Berset acknowledged on Saturday December 26 that the Swiss government had been too optimistic after the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic by relaxing the restrictions, resulting in one of the highest contamination rates. bred in Europe during the second wave.

Read also: Covid-19: first person vaccinated in Switzerland

At the end of the first wave, in summer, "

we had the feeling that the worst was over, it was one of the biggest mistakes,

" the minister told SRF television.

After this first wave, "

we were far too optimistic when we thought that we could reopen major events in the fall

", such as football and ice hockey matches.

But the worst thing about managing a crisis is to get stuck and do nothing.

If you make mistakes, one thing is clear, you have to correct them as quickly as possible,

”added Berset.

The minister also estimated that we will not be rid of the new coronavirus soon.


He will stay, despite the vaccines and the drugs,

" he said.

In March, during the first wave, Switzerland was not hit as badly as other European countries and did not impose such strict containment, then gradually easing the restriction measures.

But after only three new cases recorded on June 1, the epidemic skyrocketed in October, with the number of new cases of contamination, hospitalizations and deaths doubling from week to week.

Read also: Covid-19: the situation "is deteriorating" in Switzerland

Switzerland, with a population of 8.6 million, records some 5,000 new cases and 100 deaths a day.

The path that Switzerland has chosen has a price.

It requires individual responsibility, reason and a long-term vision.

If this does not work, we will have to step up the measures,

”the Minister stressed.

The vaccination campaign against Covid-19 began Wednesday, December 23 in Switzerland, four days after the authorization of the vaccine produced by Pfizer / BioNTech by the authorities.

Berset also called for a strengthening of international organizations to deal with the crisis, in particular the World Health Organization (WHO) which had been harshly criticized by the outgoing US President Donald Trump.

Without the WHO, the situation today would be much worse,

” said Berset.

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