The Limited Times

Discover an ancient restaurant in Pompeii, Italy

12/26/2020, 5:40:40 PM

Rome-SANA Archaeologists discovered in the Italian city of Pompeii, buried in a volcanic eruption in 79 AD


Archaeologists discovered in the ancient Italian city of Pompeii, buried in a volcanic eruption in AD 79, a shop selling hot food and drinks to Roman passersby.

"This is an exceptional discovery ... It is the first time that we have discovered a whole place to prepare food and hot drinks," Massimo Osana, director of Pompeii Archaeological Park, was quoted by Reuters as saying today.

The store, discovered in Pompeii Archaeological Park, was known as "tremboliam", a Latin term for a place where hot drinks were prepared.

Scientists also found traces of nearly 2000 years of food in some deep jars containing hot food, which the shopkeeper used to serve on a plaster table with circular holes, and the front of the table was decorated with brightly colored wall paintings, some of which had pictures of animals and birds that were part of The food ingredients sold include chicken and duck.

"Our preliminary analyzes show that the figures and figures drawn on the front of the table represent at least partly the food and drink that was sold there," said Valeria Amoretti, an anthropologist at the site, explaining that scientists found traces of pork, fish, snails and beef in the containers, a discovery she described as "a testament to diversity." The great animal products used in preparing dishes.

Pompeii, located 23 kilometers southeast of Naples, was home to about 13 thousand people when it was buried under tons of lava and ash caused by a volcanic explosion with a force comparable to several nuclear bombs. Given that it is considered a unique model documenting the Greco-Roman lifestyles, Pompeii is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Italy. And the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "UNESCO" lists it as a World Heritage Site.