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Hundreds of protesters protest the death of their beloved godfather | Israel Today

12/26/2020, 8:07:41 PM

| In the country Right-wing activists demonstrate in front of the national headquarters in Jerusalem in protest of the death of their beloved godfather, who was killed during a police chase • Two policemen were lightly injured by throwing stones at them About 2,000 people are demonstrating tonight (Saturday) in front of the national headquarters and the Ministry of Internal Security in Jerusalem in protest of the

Right-wing activists demonstrate in front of the national headquarters in Jerusalem in protest of the death of their beloved godfather, who was killed during a police chase • Two policemen were lightly injured by throwing stones at them

About 2,000 people are demonstrating tonight (Saturday) in front of the national headquarters and the Ministry of Internal Security in Jerusalem in protest of the killing of the late Ahuvia Godak by police during a police chase in Benjamin.

Photographer: Dvir Dahari

The police said: "At the moment, a protest is taking place near the national headquarters in which hundreds of demonstrators are disturbing the order while blocking the traffic arteries and the light rail axis at times. To restore order on the spot by various means. "

Uri Ansbacher, the 14th father who was murdered in the Jerusalem forest who needed a call, came to the demonstration. Now near the demonstration, demonstrators began blocking the axis.