The Limited Times

Tölzerin has to pay for her ex-boyfriend's marijuana

12/26/2020, 6:10:41 PM

A woman from Tölzer (34) has now been convicted of illegal possession of narcotics. The police found him in her marijuana home.

A woman from Tölzer (34) has now been convicted of illegal possession of narcotics.

The police found him in her marijuana home.

Bad Tölz / Wolfratshausen

- The woman in the dock apparently has the wrong friends.

But also good luck with that.

Although she carries around two open parolees with her, the Tölzerin was offended again - and left the courtroom with another suspended sentence of six months.

A good measure of naivety may have mitigated the penalty for the 34-year-old.

The charge was illegal possession of narcotic drugs.

She knew "it was there, but it wasn't mine," the state-approved beautician assured that the slightly more than 18 grams of marijuana that the police found in her apartment on March 6th of this year at around 7:30 a.m. belonged to her boyfriend at the time.

However, that did not change the facts.

"If it is lying around openly, you have the power of disposal - and then it is property," the presiding judge gave tutoring in legal studies.

"Stupid, really stupid," annoyed the defendant, who admitted to having driven it wild earlier.

"She's just unlucky with the people she surrounds herself with"

This is evidenced by 21 entries in the federal central register, which she collected within 15 years.

Her probation officer gave the defendant a fundamentally positive testimony “if we weren't sitting here again”.

Defense attorney Andreas Sander also thinks his client is “on a positive path” and emphasized: “She is simply unlucky with the people she surrounds herself with.” From the last meeting with her ex - a few days before the trial - the 34th -Year-old got a broken nasal bone from it.

Marijuana was found accidentally in a home search

Incidentally, the marijuana was found by chance.

On that day at the beginning of March, when the police were standing in front of the defendant's home with a search warrant, it was about a completely different matter: the woman allegedly withheld the ID and residence permit of a former partner.

When the new friend opened the door (the woman was at work at the time), she immediately noticed the "smell of marijuana," said a policewoman.

Several marijuana cones were lying on a Tempo handkerchief on the radiator.

The identification papers were not found.

While the public prosecutor applied for an eight-month sentence (“I'm running out of arguments for another probation”), Judge Helmut Berger was lenient.

He suspended the sentence of six months "just once again on probation" (with 80 social hours as a condition), but gave the defendant to consider: "At some point everything will come to an end, then you will have to move back in." The co-accused ex-boyfriend did not show up for the hearing.

At the request of the public prosecutor, his proceedings were separated and an arrest warrant was issued.  

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