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Will Ashkenazi still stay in blue and white? | Israel today

12/26/2020, 10:43:41 PM

| political The foreign minister is close to leaving the party, but may stay with Ganz in a certain scenario • Five parties in pursuit of Gadi Izenkot • Right: "We are not worried about the polls" Blue and white as a pharmacy: Against the background of the serious crisis in the party, the chairman, Bnei Gantz, chose to postpone a statement he had planned for Saturday, and it will probably be made today (Sund

The foreign minister is close to leaving the party, but may stay with Ganz in a certain scenario • Five parties in pursuit of Gadi Izenkot • Right: "We are not worried about the polls"

Blue and white as a pharmacy:

Against the background of the serious crisis in the party, the chairman, Bnei Gantz, chose to postpone a statement he had planned for Saturday, and it will probably be made today (Sunday).

At the same time, it seems that the chances of Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi remaining in the party are very low. 

The scenario in which the foreign minister will remain in blue and white is one in which Ganz will decide to retire, or, alternatively, offer Ashkenazi the lead and in fact become his deputy.

This is an idea heard by several ministers and MKs of the party.

Netanyahu: "Ganz folds against Nissenkorn, which imposes a dictatorship of officials" // From Benjamin Netanyahu's Facebook page

In the past, we published in "Israel Today" that as part of Gantz's efforts during the establishment of "Resilience for Israel" to attach Gabi Ashkenazi to him, he promised Ashkenazi that the day after his leadership - the leadership would be transferred to Ashkenazi and he would actually serve Gantz's successor. 

As a whole, the Blue and White Party has been in a state of disintegration in recent weeks following the drop in polls, the unflattering publications as well as the rift between Gantz's party members, some of whom claim a lack of leadership.

Beyond that, many party members, including ministers, are considering continuing their political path and exploring possible alternatives ahead of the 2021 election. 

Meanwhile, on Tuesday night, the Knesset dispersed and the "storm" arrived: Amir Peretz announced that he would not continue as Labor Party chairman, Sharan Hashakel and Zeev Elkin left the Likud, Naftali Bennett made a dramatic statement - and this is just the beginning. Next week the parties will continue their campaigns And recruiting more people to their list, in an attempt to attract public attention.

After Elkin's dramatic move to "New Hope - Unity for Israel," it does not appear that Gideon Saar's party will soon be replaced by senior Likud members.

This week, the party will announce the heads of councils and branches of branches belonging to the Likud that are moving to Saar, such as Baruch Kabalo from the south and David Azulai from the north.

Saar's party is very pleased with the storm created by Elkin's move.

This is a course planned for at least two weeks.

The timing, contrary to rumors, was not chosen to divert attention from Bennett's announcement that he wants to run for prime minister - but was planned in advance for the day after the dissolution of the Knesset.

In the coming week, heavy pressure is expected on former chief of staff Gadi Izenkot to decide where he is headed. At least five parties are chasing Izenkot, who said he will decide soon. Izenkot's dilemma is whether to enter politics now, with a cooling-off period hovering over him. Or wait for the next election.

Meanwhile, the Likud continued to attack Elkin.

Minister Ohana told Channel 11 yesterday: "I do not know who to believe - Elkin who praised and praised Netanyahu and his leadership, or the new Elkin from the house of the creator Ruby Rivlin, or one of Gideon Saar's friends."

On the right are struggling with the storm

Right-wingers are recovering from Saar's focus theft last Wednesday and meanwhile say they are not yet worried about the polls.

The party plans to differentiate itself from Gideon Saar's party by saying that Saar's party consists of "more of the same." 

The party says: "Gideon Saar's party is a party of politicians: Saar, Elkin, Shasha Bitton, Handel, Hauser and Shir. They are all politicians who were in the Knesset and the government recently and failed. The public should not be satisfied with more politicians, it needs professionals, professionals. Bennett and Shaked "They came from the private market. Smutrich has already proven himself in the Ministry of Transportation. It's something else." 

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