The Limited Times

Real estate, stock market, savings ... Where to invest your money in 2021?

12/29/2020, 6:26:06 PM

OUR ADVICE - The health crisis has shaken up habits and inflated savings. The expected economic rebound opens up investment opportunities.

Confused by the health crisis and confinements, deprived of spending possibilities by the closure of shops and restaurants and by travel restrictions, the French have filled their current accounts and their passbooks as never before.

This year, household financial savings have swelled by nearly 130 billion euros.

It could again increase by 70 billion euros in 2021, according to forecasts from the Banque de France.

A paradox born from the health crisis, sight deposits are no longer considered only as a parenthesis before consumption.

Almost 30% of savers see it as an attractive investment, according to a survey by the Cercle de l'épargne.

However, the crisis has not upset the ranking of the preferred investments of the French.

Rental real estate continues to lead the way (61%) ahead of life insurance (48%, down 3 points) and equity investments (37%, down 8 points).

Have an accessible liquidity buffer, especially

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