The Limited Times

The vaccine system is dealing with Pike News and waste Israel today

12/29/2020, 10:07:54 PM

| health In the health system, there are reports of irregularities in prioritization. • The health funds are angry about taking the vaccines to the hospitals and say: "Everyone vaccinates whoever comes to them." An end to "90-minute vaccinations"? The Ministry of Health wants to put an end to calls circulating in WhatsApp to reach the vaccination complexes in places where there are surpluses. Vaccination

In the health system, there are reports of irregularities in prioritization. • The health funds are angry about taking the vaccines to the hospitals and say: "Everyone vaccinates whoever comes to them."

An end to "90-minute vaccinations"?

The Ministry of Health wants to put an end to calls circulating in WhatsApp to reach the vaccination complexes in places where there are surpluses.

Vaccination operation // Photo: Moshe Ben Simhon

HMOs also want to fight messages, sometimes referring to Pike News.

Last night, a false announcement was circulated about the 2,000 vaccines left at Meuhedet in Jerusalem, and the fund was quick to announce that this was a false announcement and said that they would file a complaint with the police against the person who distributed it.

Surplus vaccines were also recorded in Arad at the Home Front Command compound.

Residents of the Netivot area also received a message this week, according to which: "They opened 1,000 vaccines in Clalit's compound and need to use them today. .. "

In light of this, the Ministry of Health held an urgent discussion on vaccine surpluses at the HMOs' unified stations in the north and south.

The Ministry of Health stated that "if there are excess vaccines at these stations, which may be thrown in the bin, priority should be given to vaccinating populations of chronic patients and priority groups that come to those sites, and as far as possible bring priority groups such as unvaccinated medical agents. Allow vaccination to be given as quickly as possible to anyone in risk groups.Since, this is the way to beat the corona and get back to routine.

It has been brought to our attention that there are vaccination sites and funds that proactively call on population groups who do not prefer to come vaccinated, while planning appointments for these groups.

The Ministry of Health wishes to clarify, as of this stage, there is no change in priority, and therefore the guidelines set must be adhered to. "

A senior official at one of the funds noted that "the big problem of surpluses is in the unified complexes. There is a feeling that some of the funds are less caring. In one of the complexes, nurses from one of the health funds, for example, were not sent."

"Stupid malfunction"

Data published by the Ministry of Health show that about 80% of those vaccinated by the HMOs are over the age of 60, with the leaders being Maccabi (88%) and Leumit (88%), followed by Clalit (77%) and Meuhedet (75%).

But in vaccinated hospitals they are much "younger".

In Ichilov 53% of the vaccinated are over the age of 60 and in Sheba and Rambam most of the vaccinated (60%) are under the age of 60.

A source at one of the HMOs was furious at the data showing that hospitals are vaccinating young populations, noting that "if they say that the explanation for this delusional figure is vaccinating staff this is a scandalous cover for failure. "Their computer can't tell if the person ordering an appointment is under 60. The scandal is that they took vaccines from the HMOs to give to the hospitals. It doesn't make sense. The HMOs know how to give the vaccines in a documented manner."

A source at another fund said of the data: "It is indeed a national operation and they are helping, but everyone is storing whenever he wants and whoever comes to him. It is the teachers, it is the Holocaust survivors. We need working hands but it must be done in an orderly manner."