The Limited Times

EU leaders signed the post-Brexit deal

12/30/2020, 8:52:53 AM

The President of the European Commission and her counterpart in the Council initialed the agreement in Brussels on Wednesday morning before sending it out

It is done!

As expected, EU leaders signed the post-Brexit deal on Wednesday morning.

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and her counterpart in the Council (institution representing the Member States) Charles Michel signed the agreement on behalf of the EU in Brussels at 9.30 am.

It will then have to be sent to London, to be signed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and will enter into force this Thursday at 11 p.m. GMT (midnight in France).

Also on Wednesday, British MPs are summoned to debate the 1250-page text.

There is little doubt that it will pass, given the majority that Boris Johnson's Conservative government has and the support of the Labor opposition.

> More information to follow.

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