The Limited Times

UK Approves AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine

12/30/2020, 7:37:49 AM

British regulators consider the vaccine safe and effective. It is the second approved in that country after Pfizer. It will begin to be administered in a few days.

The Government of the United Kingdom accepted this Wednesday the recommendation of the regulatory authorities of that country to authorize the use of the vaccine against COVID-19 developed by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, according to a statement from the British Executive itself. 

The news casts new hope that the end of the coronavirus pandemic may be a little closer.

The AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine is the second approved in the UK, after Pfizer and BioNTech, which has already started. 

In the United States, there are two vaccines already approved and in the distribution phase: that of Pfizer and that of Moderna.

In the European Union (from which the United Kingdom is on the verge of definitive separation after Brexit), the Pfizer vaccine has only just begun to be administered. 

Pfizer Vaccine Approved In US: What You Need To Know About Coronavirus Vaccines

Dec. 12, 202002: 26

As the British public broadcaster BBC remarks, British regulators gave the go-ahead to the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine after verifying that it is safe and effective.

The country has already ordered 100 million doses of it.

"With two vaccines already approved, we will be able to vaccinate a greater number of people who are at higher risk, protecting them from the disease and reducing mortality and hospitalization," says the statement from the UK Government.

The authorities of the country stressed that it is necessary to receive two doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine to be fully effective.

Between one and the other a period of 12 weeks must pass. 

With information from the BBC. 

News in development.

Check back for more updates. 

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