The Limited Times

Background to SPIEGEL stories from politics and society: The case that never ends

12/31/2020, 8:07:39 AM

Corona debates, tricky interviews and a crime that keeps you awake: The SPIEGEL editorial team looks back on an eventful year. Read the background to the stories from politics and society.

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In 1981 the then ten-year-old Ursula Herrmann was kidnapped and killed - there are still doubts about the perpetrator

Photo: picture alliance / dpa

The encroachment on freedoms

Before the demonstrations against the corona measures really started, the editors Susanne Beyer and Lydia Rosenfelder, Federal Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht and Hans-Jürgen Papier, the former Federal Constitutional Court judge, met for a

discussion about the balance between freedom and security

: »Parliament has kept out of the discussion! «/» I reject the accusation! «Today the two journalists wonder whether they should have been more critical about the issue of restrictions on fundamental rights.

At the end of April, the first demonstrators had already marched out to protest against the Corona measures, and one of their main arguments had already been cast: that those measures would interfere with fundamental rights that could endanger democracy.

Today, months later, after absurd arguments had been produced at such protests - demonstrators had compared themselves to the Nazi victims Anne Frank and Sophie Scholl - we could take it easy and dismiss these protests, but it would be exactly that: closed light.

Of course, citizens took crazy positions there, but the question of fundamental rights was and is legitimate, yes necessary.

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