The Limited Times

Corona lockdown over the holidays: These rules now apply on New Year's Eve

12/31/2020, 6:52:46 AM

Who can celebrate with whom and for how long? Strict corona rules also apply on Christmas and New Year's Eve. You can find out what you have to consider here.

Who can celebrate with whom and for how long?

Strict corona rules also apply on Christmas and New Year's Eve.

You can find out what you have to consider here.

  • In order to reduce the high Corona * numbers, a hard lockdown has been in place in Bavaria since December 16.

  • At Christmas there is a slight relaxation - but not on New Year's Eve.

  • Here we offer you the current case numbers in the Free State in a map *.


- Shortly before the holidays,

Bavaria was

completely shut down.


hard lockdown

has been in effect throughout the Free State since Wednesday (December 16).

Numerous regulations are intended to reduce





corona numbers


However, the number of


has been at a high level

for days


Some politicians therefore fear that they

could rise even further




New Year's Eve


Therefore, many promised easing for the holidays were canceled again.

You can find out what applies in the coming weeks here.

Corona rules on the holidays: Contact restrictions are relaxed a little

The means of choice to contain

Corona *


contact restrictions


That is why strict rules have been in place for almost a week.

Only a maximum of five people from two households (children under 14 years are excluded) are allowed to meet.


state government


persons living together permanently

as a household


No partners or relatives who just come to visit.


, this strict requirement was relaxed a little

over the

Christmas holidays


From December 24th to 26th, people from one household can meet up to four people from different households.

Here, too, children under the age of 14 are excluded.


example, a family living under the



can meet

with an aunt and her husband as well as their grandparents





, this rule does not apply to

New Year's Eve


The original restriction of five people from two households applies here again.

The pandemic is worse than in spring.

Some haven't realized that yet.

Small and small will be discussed, while on Christmas Eve people will fight for their lives.

We owe them respect.

It doesn't matter how long you can party.

It is important to be healthy.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) December 15, 2020

Be careful with the



This will

not be relaxed

for the



The following applies: between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. you may only leave the house for good reason.

So you can go to work, go for a walk with your dog, accompany the dying or drive to the hospital for a medical emergency.

However, outdoor sports, visiting friends and relatives (unless you spend the night there and don't drive home until the morning) or walks are not allowed.

Drinking alcohol in public is also prohibited.

Those who disregard this face a


of at least 500 euros.

Corona rules on the holidays: No exception to the curfew for church services

There will be no exception to the


on the Christmas holidays either.

This means that Christmas masses should be arranged in such a way that visitors are home by 9 p.m. at the latest.

Should it be a few minutes later in individual cases, the police should proceed “with a sense of proportion”, said

Prime Minister Markus Söder


In this context, he told the

Augsburger Allgemeine

that he hoped that many churches will



Christmas services

to the Internet.

He himself will "take

advantage of

many offers for online church services and online sermons


Christmas Eve


And the state government also appealed to the churches to bring the Christmas masses - which usually take place at midnight -


because of the

corona lockdown



curfew will

not be deviated

from at the turn of the year


In addition, the sale of

fireworks was


It is also not permitted to ignite firecrackers and rockets on public ground or to stay there after 9 p.m.

It is different on your own property.

Staying in the yard or garden is

always allowed




Corona rules on the holidays: shopping opportunities limited to the bare essentials


shopping offer

in Bavaria is also severely restricted until January 10th.

Only shops that sell goods for daily needs (such as supermarkets, drug stores or pharmacies) are allowed to open.

Service companies

such as hairdressers or cosmetic studios have to close.

Only medical service providers such as physiotherapists or occupational therapists as well as speech therapists and medical foot care are an exception. Delivery services or pick-ups in the

catering sector

are also permitted



who wants to visit

their relatives in

retirement and nursing homes

needs a


corona test *



In addition, each resident can only receive one guest per day.

He must also wear an FFP2 mask.

In order to control these measures and to

initiate the necessary steps

in the event of a

corona outbreak

, there has been a special unit in Bavaria since Monday (December 21).

(tel) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

Follow the corona events in Bavaria in our current news ticker.

You can find more news from the Free State in our Bavaria section.

Survey: How do you experience the corona pandemic?

How are your well-being, your social contacts, your work situation changing?

In a

large-scale study

, the non-profit research institute ISDC wants to find out what the pandemic means for us socially, psychologically and economically.

You, dear readers, can take part in this survey - and win in the process: The ISDC is giving away

ten shopping


worth 50 euros each

among all those taking part in December


The survey takes about 15 minutes.

All data will be treated confidentially.

After completing the study, we will report on the results from the various districts and counties.

Participation is only possible online under the link:

The International Security and Development Center (ISDC) in Berlin has been dealing with the effects of crises in different countries and regions on the population for years.

The institute conducts research in developing countries, but also investigates the consequences of the September 11th terrorism.

The scientists are now particularly interested in the effects that different life situations, for example in the big city or in the country, have on people's handling of the pandemic.

Please help, dear readers, to find out more about it!

List of rubric lists: © Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa

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