The Limited Times

Violent quarrel with Melania Trump: renovation of Mar-a-Lago-Resort - US President "not at all satisfied"

12/31/2020, 5:49:51 AM

Donald Trump is likely to move to Florida after his presidency - to his property in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago. But the renovations of his wife now led to violent trouble.

Donald Trump is likely to move to Florida after his presidency - to his property in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago.

But the renovations of his wife now led to violent trouble.

  • The mood between

    Donald Trump

    and his wife


    was better.

  • The President and his wife have withdrawn to their Florida property,



  • The


    , which has led Melania, Donald Trump did not like.

Palm Beach, Florida -

Donald Trump's mood

was better.

The outgoing

US president

has withdrawn to his stately Florida estate Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, but criticism of Trump's handling of the pandemic continues and the

election defeat

still hurts him.

Now it looks as if he is


his displeasure on his wife: Allegedly, there is

giant zoff

in the Trump

house for renovations

in the golf resort


The person responsible for the changes is his wife:

Melania Trump


This overlooked the several weeks long project with their

interior designer Tham Kannalikham.

It was only recently announced that

Donald Trump's

wife had

only one wish: to go home.


The golf resort Mar-a-Lago is located in the southwest of the US state Florida.

Donald Trump is happy to withdraw there.

(Archive photo)

© Charles Trainor Jr./Imago Images / Zuma Wire

Donald Trump: "He wasn't satisfied at all" - Trump upsets club management

According to



, the current president doesn't like the changes his wife made there.

Trump, who is described by them as currently "moody" (affected by mood swings) and unusually withdrawn, is said to have demanded, for example, that

parts of the white marble and dark wood decor

should be removed immediately - which was promptly done.

They were torn down, which again probably did not go over well with Melania.

The new neighborhood is said to be much smaller than the top three floors of the Trump Tower in Manhattan, where the family lived before moving to the White House.

"He was not at all satisfied,"

a source is quoted as saying that several loud, one-sided conversations with the club management echoed through the opulent property.

President Trump's mood darkened as soon as he walked into Mar-a-Lago before Christmas, sources say.

The changes to his private quarters, many of which were overseen by first lady Melania Trump, were not to his liking, and he was mad about it, a source says

- CNN (@CNN) December 29, 2020

Zoff in the Trump house?

Not the first time Donald Trump has disliked Melania's renovations

So there is

bad air in the Trump house

, who is in a kind of self-chosen exile in Florida.

It is not the first time that the president has disliked a redecoration of his wife: In the presidential retreat

Camp David

in Maryland, he saw Melania's changes on Thanksgiving and therefore also looked dissatisfied.

Although this year far fewer of Trump's friends and party comrades come to see him in Mar-a-Lago, where he traditionally spends the turn of the year, the

corona situation

is said to be

difficult to overlook there.

Over ten percent of the corona tests are said to be positive, people use the gastronomic offers, there are overcrowded pools and people “fight for chairs, so much is going on”.

The source explains:

"Nobody here cares about the pandemic."

Donald Trump wants to move into his Mar-a-Lago residence after his time in the White House.

His neighbors there switched on a lawyer.

List of rubric lists: © Andrew Harnik / dpa

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