The Limited Times

Art, music, cinema ... Ten birthdays to celebrate in 2021

1/4/2021, 7:10:36 PM

From the 200th anniversary of Flaubert's death to the 30th anniversary of Gainsbourg's disappearance, the year will be rich in commemorations. The opportunity to pay tribute to major figures of culture ... if the health situation allows.

Gustave Flaubert returns to the gueuloir

By Eric Biétry-Rivierre

In this year of the bicentenary of his birth, as Father Hugo urged him, Flaubert continues to hold high the torch of art.

Three stages are planned for a “Salammbô” exhibition long dreamed of by Sylvain Amic, director of the Rouen Normandie Metropolitan Museums.

Subtitled “Passion!


Elephants! ”, It should display its golds and exoticism from April 23 to September 19 at the city's Museum of Fine Arts.

This city which saw the birth of the writer and which Emma Bovary traveled in a carriage and in very gallant company ...

Then, from October 20 to February 7, 2022, she will stop in Marseille (Mucem) before approaching even closer to the mythical Carthage, reaching Tunisia, because we plan to install her 250 works, objects, images, from French and European public and private collections, in the sumptuous Bardo National Museum.

To read also:

Flaubert: his “desire for perfection” was “a real disease which exhausted him” according to Zola

In the meantime, from the Côte d'Albâtre to the Seine, passing through the Cauchoise or Brayonne countryside

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