The Limited Times

Carolina Píparo and the motorcycle crash in La Plata: 'They wanted to lynch us, kill us, that was our feeling'

1/4/2021, 8:28:42 PM

The Buenos Aires deputy said she was a "victim", rejected the resignation requests and affirmed that her husband is the one who must give explanations in Justice.

Esteban Mikkelsen Jensen

01/04/2021 17:19

  • Clarí

  • Police

Updated 01/04/2021 17:19

More than a decade passed since that bank leak that would forever mark the life of Carolina Píparo (44), when a gunshot caused the death of her baby, Isidro, who was born in an emergency cesarean section and survived a week.

At dawn on the New Year, she was once again the victim of a motorcycle theft, also in La Plata, but was left in the midst of criticism for having run over, with the Fiat 500 driven by her husband, Juan Ignacio Buzali (47), to two young men on motorcycles whom they mistook for criminals.

In an interview with


, the Buenos Aires deputy from Juntos para el Cambio rejected the request to resign from her bank and to the Secretariat for Victim Assistance and Gender Policies of the La Plata municipality, which Kirchnerist legislators formulated, and denied that they had tried to do " self-righteousness "when they encountered the motorcyclists.

-How do you analyze what happened today, three days after the event?

-The truth is that we are wrong, because first it is a question that became political, that no longer has anything to do with what happened, that unfortunately the focus is lost that I was robbed at gunpoint by six guys and today for example There were two TV mobiles in the house of my father-in-law, who is a big person, who is alone and just today marks a year since the death of my mother-in-law.

They are going through a limit that no longer has anything to do with it, that if I were not the passenger of the car in an accident, no one would be talking.

-What do you think of the resignation requests?

-It seems like a bastard.

They go out to ask for the resignation of a victim.

In my case, the only thing I was is a victim.

My husband has to give an explanation for the maneuver, whatever it was, and he will give it to the Justice, because it was always right and it will be right, but what they are doing is immoral.

Let them take care of the crime, because while we are chatting to many people they are working on it.

This does not matter to the provincial government, the national government or anyone.

The only thing that matters is this rude policy that they have come to do.

-What do you feel when they say that you used the murder of Isidro to do politics?

-I feel the same, they are scoundrels.

I would give my life because I had died and not my son.

Politics does not despair me, I have been working for three years, I have one year left in the bank and I don't even know if I am going to continue.

I do it responsibly like any work I did in my life.

These people who ask me to resign are dying without politics, I am not dying, as long as I can contribute something I am going to stay and in no way am I going to present any resignation for being a victim of six motorcycle jets.

- Did they call you Berni or Kicillof at some point?


On the contrary, you know what?

From the first minute we ended up at the police station, I asked for the 911 audios and they didn't release them until yesterday.

They allowed for hours to hesitate.

First I heard debates that there was no theft modality between three motorcycles.

They doubted not only me, they doubted all the neighbors who called.

The Fiat 500 driven by Carolina Píparo's husband, stopped in front of Plaza Moreno.

-Some still question the theft as well.

-The Ministry of Security knew about theft from minute one.

Why did they let that go?

They are saying 'justice in their own hands'.

This accident happened long after, 30 minutes after the robbery.

We called 911 and hung around until the police showed up.

-Then you deny that they have wanted to do justice by their own hand.

-See if I'm going to look for them in a city of 200 square kilometers.

It's crazy.

-Why did they follow the motorcycles?

-First, 911 didn't come.

Then I repeat the call.

The police came and told me: 'you have to go file a complaint'.

Obviously I followed all the rules that had to be followed.

I was going to the police station, I come across three motorcycles, one with the diver I recognize, and the truth is that I already considered my things lost.

I contacted 911.

-Do you follow them to get things back?

-No, I didn't want to get anything back.

I called 911. Things didn't matter to me.

What I didn't want is for it to happen to someone else.

'I'm after the people who robbed me, come on,' I told them.

He was telling them where they were.

At one point we lost them they crossed the red light.

We do not cross in red.

When my husband turns, we find five motorcycles and we feel locked up, we feel like they are going to kill us.

Later the maneuver that my husband makes has to be explained by him because he has not declared yet.

Luis Lavalle was run over by Carolina Píparo's husband in La Plata.

- Did they want to escape because they felt in danger?

-We were in danger, clearly.

The whole time we were in danger.

-For the investigators, these two young men had nothing to do with the robbery.

-That will be determined by Justice.

We have this crash and automatically four motorcycles come on us.

It is not that no one stays in the accident, they come on us.

-Were you convinced they were the thieves?

-I was convinced they were going to kill me.

That was the reality.

I yelled at the cars 'call the police, they are behind us, they are chasing us, come'.

When we find the first control, we stop.

They wanted to lynch us, kill us, that was our feeling.

If they stopped us on a dark street, what would they ask us?

The papers, four motorcycles with eight guys?

-Did you ever call the person responsible for security in the municipality, Darío Ganduglia?

-No, I didn't have a cell phone, I didn't have any contact.

Darío was going through the controls.

I don't know how it was there.

You would have to ask him.

-In an image of the video you can see that you get out of the car talking on the phone.

-Yes, with my husband's phone.

All the calls I made to 911 were with my husband's phone, but I had lost all of my contacts, my husband doesn't have them.

-Why did your husband have a breathalyzer test so late?

-In the first control we continued because they came on us.

Hopefully the cameras of the Cathedral appear, which are opposite.

When the second control appears, which we stopped and there were armed police, they managed to contain them.

But they wanted to keep attacking us.

I used to tell my husband 'don't get off'.

I get off and say 'there was an accident, I want to know what happened'.

It took three hours until I found out.

They told me: 'ma'am, there is no report, there is no person, there is no motorcycle.'

I was desperate to know what had happened.

They did not find anyone injured in any hospital.

It was our only concern.

The Fiat 500 driven by Carolina Píparo's husband, chased by motorcyclists.

-In a video it was seen when a woman yelled 'murderers' at them.

-Yes, a woman falls and says 'murderer'.

I thought: someone died in the accident



I thought someone had died and they didn't want to tell me.

There they send us to the police station and at five in the morning they tell us that one of the wounded did not need assistance and another was already at home with four stitches on the head.

There I automatically broke down at the police station, because I could breathe.

It was six in the morning when someone told me how they were.

- And what of the breathalyzer, how was it?

-We were sent first to a police station for the robbery, second to the other police station for the accident.

We stayed until eight thirty in the morning, until they told us 'get out and leave the car'.

We stayed until they threw us out.

The next day my husband was called for examination and a doctor asked him if he would allow him to draw blood for the breathalyzer.

And my husband says, 'How can I?

Do what you have to do. '

That was the situation.

I can not find any other sense that is not dirty politics to the whole string of barbarities that are being talked about.

-When you hear the motorcycle victim speak, what do you feel?

-I didn't hear it.

I saw the photos.

-He said they ran him over and dragged the motorcycle more than four blocks.

-I am so sorry for what happened to him.

The lawyer recommended that we not contact them.

-Is your position in the Municipality ad-honorem?


-What did they rob you?

-No one ever asked me about silver.

They did ask me what I had: my cell phone, my wallet with all the documents and some of my belongings.

- Was it something of sentimental value related to Isidro?


I don't know if whoever finds it is going to realize it

(cries again)


It was a white handkerchief and a letter.

When they could not transfer me or him, due to the state of health, then they put a white handkerchief from my mother-in-law to take him and he could smell my smell, because it was important.

They put it on me one day and on him the next.

And the letter had been written to him and he always carried it with me.

-Now then we have to wait for what Justice dictates.

-Justice does not have to dictate anything to me.

I was the victim of a robbery.

-It was even said that you incited Ignacio to run them over and even until you were driving the car.

-The reality is that they are that: they are as low as politics can be.


Look also

The audio of Carolina Píparo's call to 911 after the robbery in La Plata

The lawyer of the motorcyclists run over calls for the arrest of Carolina Píparo's husband