The Limited Times

Corona in Austria: No lockdown end after the free test dispute - Chancellor Kurz gives a gloomy forecast in an interview

1/4/2021, 10:28:54 PM

The hope in Austria was great: The corona lockdown should end with free tests from January 18. Nothing will come of it now. Now Chancellor Kurz is following up with a gloomy forecast.

The hope in Austria was great: The corona lockdown should end with free tests from January 18.

Nothing will come of it now.

Now Chancellor Kurz is following up with a gloomy forecast.

  • There is currently a crisis in neighboring


    when it comes to corona virus


  • A change in the


    should end the lockdown in two weeks.

  • But the


    is cross.

  • This

    news ticker

    is updated regularly.

Update from January 4th, 7:12 p.m

.: Now that

the mutated form of the corona virus has also been detected




Chancellor Sebastian Kurz

comments on

the current situation in an interview.

He draws a grim prognosis.

The Chancellor

told the


: “I do


expect relaxation through vaccination and rising temperatures

until the summer

.” In




restrictions are expected in Austria until the middle of the year.

In addition, Chancellor Kurz also speaks about

a third wave of infection


The third wave has already hit many countries, such as the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, hard.

These are harbingers of a development for us too.

It will take some time before relevant groups are vaccinated.

Sebastian Kurz

After all: the

vaccinations are

"a historic moment and a turning point in the pandemic".

Sebastian Kurz

himself follows the prioritization and has therefore not yet had himself vaccinated, but adds: "In any case, I have absolute confidence in

the vaccine

and I am looking forward to



old life back without all the restrictions

." The Chancellor also said optimistic words at the end: “What motivates me most is that we know that this crisis will not last and that we can return to normal in the summer.

Hard months will be followed by good years again! ”.

Corona in Austria: Mutated virus detected

Update from January 4, 4:09 p.m.:


is now officially proven



: the Corona variant from Great Britain.

Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) announced that four people were infected with it.

All of them were noticed during a voluntary test when they entered Vienna-Schwechat Airport.

Those affected, including three children according to ORF, had only shown mild symptoms and went into



In another 30-year-old Austrian, the variant from South Africa was subsequently diagnosed.


British Corona variant

is currently being intensively researched.

New study results show how contagious the mutations are.

This also has an impact on the discussions about the corona measures.

Corona in Austria: Unsuccessful data cleansing causes confusion


The shops remain closed for the time being, the streets empty: Austria extends its lockdown.

© Erwin Scheriau / dpa / picture alliance

First report from January 4, 9:31 a.m .:

Vienna - While

there is still discussion



as to whether and how the


should be extended


January 10,

the Austrian neighbors are a small step ahead of us in this decision.

According to government sources, the

coronavirus restrictions


until January

18 are

now being extended.

Commerce, schools and culture must continue to be patient.

Changes to the corona numbers in Austria are currently expected.

The count of the corona tests and a failed "

data cleansing

" caused confusion here.

According to Austrian media reports, the Ministry of the Interior and Health Ministry for





antigen tests

, while for other federal states only the

PCR tests were


Covid-19 in Austria, as of January 4th

New corona infections within 24 hours


registered corona deaths within one day


Active corona cases in Austria


Corona patients in hospitals


Covid-19 patients in intensive care units


Source: Ministry of Health

Dispute over free tests: Opposition fights against early lockdown end on January 18



in Austria

had actually

hoped for

relief in the form of

opening up gastronomy, trade and tourism


The coalition's plan: Anyone who



corona test

could have

gone to the shops that were opened again


January 18


But the opposition resisted the change in the law.

As the Austrian news agency


quoted on Monday, the closure of almost all stores will now take everyone until January



With its majority, the opposition could put the amendment in the federal state chamber on hold for two months.

Clear words from @rendiwagner in PK: @SPOE_at will not agree to a “free test law” that the federal government has presented and is a legally questionable blank check.

- Christian Deutsch (@deutsch_ch) January 3, 2021

With around 3000 #Covid cases per day, the numbers are too high.

If the infections do not drop below 1000 in the next 10 days, you need to relax from January 18.

don't even discuss it.

That would be the wrong way, which would lead directly to the 4th lockdown.


- Pamela Rendi-Wagner (@rendiwagner) December 31, 2020

The extension also applies to



face teaching


Austrian schools


Schools will start operating as planned on

January 7th

, but once again at a distance.

This development is also evident in Germany.

A resumption of full face-to-face teaching does

not seem justifiable in

view of the continued high number of




are initially excluded from the regulation.

Coronavirus in Austria: ski lifts with special rights

Only the ski lifts in




the privilege of remaining open.

This caused in

ski areas

such as the Lower Austrian Semmering weekend again for a

mass stampede


In an interview with the Austrian newspaper Kurier, Mayor Hermann Doppelreiter described the conditions as "extreme" and made it clear: "It's huge." There is talk of

uncontrolled crowds

, traffic chaos and non-compliance with corona regulations.

Traffic chaos and corona sinners today on Semmering, the securitys are in constant use:

- Kronen Zeitung (@krone_at) January 3, 2021

As much as the chaos on the

ski slopes in Austria

causes a stir, the big business will still not bring it to the lift operators.


season's earnings so

far have

already suffered

too much


In Germany, too, there is a real mass rush to ski areas.

The first places had to be cordoned off.


List of rubric lists: © Erwin Scheriau / dpa / picture alliance

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