The Limited Times

Vaccination against Covid-19: the government under pressure

1/4/2021, 10:10:42 PM

While the criticisms on the slowness of the vaccination against the Covid multiply, the Head of State gathered this Monday at the Elysee Palace

To extinguish the fire?

But what fire?

This Monday, the Elysée as Matignon tried as best they could to deny the controversy and, above all, to regain control: “There is no backpedaling, nor acceleration.

The vaccination campaign is under control.

It has been validated for several weeks and it will prove us right in time, ”recite the entourage of Emmanuel Macron and Jean Castex.

Even if, the criticisms continued to multiply these last hours ...

While France is trying to catch up abyss compared to its European neighbors, health professionals continue to question the slowness of the vaccination process.

Restaurant owners, actors in the cultural and sporting world, no longer believe in the promise of an imminent reopening of their establishments.

And since Monday, the mayors and officials of large communities have launched a heavy charge against the executive.


"We want local vaccination", rather than in "large stages", affirms Véran

Like the boss of the Grand Est region Jean Rottner (LR), who speaks of a “state scandal” and denounces the government's “lack of preparation” and “irresponsibility”.

But also the president of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand in our columns.

Do not throw any more!

“We had the failure of the masks, then the poor start of the tests.

We give the impression of not having learned anything from recent errors, ”annoys a senior minister, also perplexed by the way Emmanuel Macron himself warned about“ the slowness ”of the campaign, during his vows of December 31.

“It is as if he is dissociating himself from a process that he himself is supposed to have validated.

Strange… and counterproductive.


"The president was in a shady mood"

Annoyed by the looping images of angry experts and elected officials who pounded the executive on all TV channels and radio stations, the Head of State therefore held a so-called "follow-up" meeting on Monday afternoon. On the vaccine campaign, with Jean Castex, several ministers including Olivier Véran (Health) and Frédérique Vidal (Research), but also the Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon and Professor Alain Fischer, “Mr. vaccine” of the government.

The meeting, which lasted almost three hours, was "studious, concrete and dense", according to a participant.

"The president was in a moody mood," said another.

He would be particularly annoyed by the heaviness of the administrative chain.

“We have too many bureaucratic bodies: Public Health France, the French Society of Public Health, the High Authority for Health, etc.

It is about time he gave it a good kick because no one is able to really know who is doing what!

“, Annoys the mayor (DVD) of Poissy, Karl Olive, who demands that local elected representatives be much more involved in the vaccination process.

Vaccinating fragile people over 75 years old, and residing mainly in nursing homes, then gradually the rest of the French, obeyed a strategy prepared at length, even discussed in the National Assembly in mid-December.

"It was not controversial at the time", we note, a bit annoyed, in Matignon.

"We accept our differences in strategy with our neighbors", we defend the Ministry of Health, convinced that "by the end of January France will have largely caught up."

"We must keep a cool head," supports the entourage of Véran, while a press conference should take place this Thursday, with Jean Castex, and possible new announcements to the key.

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Anyway, pressed by public opinion, the executive has still put a boost in recent hours by authorizing health workers over 50 years to be vaccinated.

This would have concerned, just for the day of Monday, "several thousand people" swears Véran, who speaks of "rise" this week.

This Monday evening, at the end of the meeting at the Elysee Palace, Emmanuel Macron also urged his ministers to deploy this Tuesday in all media to provide after-sales service for the government vaccination campaign.

Way to set a new tempo, and put an end to a communication for the moment very hazardous.

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